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COSY@Home-Lab | For Students

© Universität Bielefeld/Patrick Pollmeier

COSY@Home-Lab | For Students

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PD Dr.-Ing. Sven Wachsmuth

Leiter Zentrallabor

Managing Director

The COSY@Home-Lab offers tutorials and classes to strengthen and support competences to deal with our different research platforms, scientific devices and to improve skills in applying scientific and engineering methods.

Through continuous education, starting with students in the bachelor and master programs, we are helping to raise junior scientists and bring them into first contacts with research projects. This often leads to contracts as student research assistants or theses where they bring their technical expertise into the interdisciplinary research projects.

RoboCup@Home Team ToBI

The 'Team of Bielefeld' (ToBI) has successfully participated in RoboCup@Home competitions since 2009 and succeeded two times a world champion (Leipzig 2016 and Montreal 2018). The team consists of Bachelor and Master students which change on an annual term. Please contact us in case of interest! You find more information about our team at the ToBi website.

Bachelor or Master theses / other projects

The COSY@Home-lab offers Bachelor or Master Theses on a regular term as well as projects in the following areas:

  • Service Robotics / Robot behavior
  • Computer Vision / Robot Vision
  • Cognitive Assistance Systems / Intelligent Environments

Please contact: clf-info@cit-ec.uni-bielefeld.de

The following table presents a selection of open topic. Further topics offered in the COSY@Home-Lab can be requested by email.

Work title Contact

Work type

Field of study PDF
Human Behavior Understanding via Deep Learning for Human Robot Collaboration  Qiaoyue Yang Bachelor thesis Computer science, computer vision Thesis-Topics_24SS-1.pdf
Modelling Human-Robot Proxemics via Skew-Normal Distribution Qiaoyue Yang Bachelor thesis Computer science, social robotics Thesis-Topics_24SS-2.pdf
Interactive semantic labeling in VR Markus Rothgänger Bachelor thesis Computer science, VR BA_VR_Interaction-1.pdf



For information on further specific topics offered by the working groups of the Faculty of Engineering, please refer to the information page set up for this purpose. Of course, we are always happy to receive suggestions for topics from students!

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