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Bielefeld Graduate School in Theoretical Sciences

Campus der Universität Bielefeld
© Universität Bielefeld

Qualification Programme

photo of a BGTS brochure placed on a folding table in a lecture hall
© Universität Bielefeld

The qualification programme of the BGTS complements the individual doctoral studies and supports the training of young researchers.

The BGTS has no set curriculum. Doctoral students can select the courses and activities that best meet their needs.

The programme

Below is a list of some possible training measures for doctoral students in the BGTS.

Subject-specific qualification

Research oriented courses and seminars take place within the framework of the participating programmes, faculties and institutions.
A selection of these activities can be found here.

Interdisciplinary qualification

The BGTS comprises the doctoral training of three disciplines and attaches importance on interdisciplinary collaboration.

As a joint interdisciplinary event for all BGTS members the BGTS Colloquium takes place once per semester.

International qualification

The BGTS supports international exchange of early career researchers. Once a year Mobility Grants are awarded to doctoral students planning a research stay abroad.
The participation in international conferences and summer schools is a good opportunity to establish contacts with researchers from all over the world, but also to present own research.

Transferable skills

There are many opportunities to gain useful qualifications beside the subject-specific training. Examples are teaching or the organisation of scientific events.
In addition, Bielefeld University's Personnel Development Programme for Researchers and Teachers (PEP) offers a wide range of transferable skills courses. These are open to doctoral students of Bielefeld University.

BGTS certificate

At the end of their doctoral studies students can obtain a certificate listing all activities completed in addition to the thesis work. Please inform the BGTS office at an early stage, if you would like to have a certificate.

To record activities:
For all lectures and seminars which you can find in the electronic course catalogue (ekVV), please proceed as follows:

  • Enroll for the lecture/seminar in the ekVV.
  • Tell the lecturer/organiser at the beginning of the lecture/seminar that you will need a confirmation.
  • Ask the lecturer/organiser at the end of the lecture/seminar to confirm your participation in the ekVV.

For all activites which are not available in the ekVV (e.g. external conferences) please write an e-mail to the BGTS office (bgts@uni-bielefeld.de) containing the following:

  • Name of the activity (e.g. title of the conference)
  • Further details, if applicable (e.g. title of your talk at the conference)
  • Time (when/from when to when did it take place), location/university
  • A confirmation of your participation/accomplishment
  • Your student number (Matrikelnummer)
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