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Bielefeld Center for Data Science

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Bielefeld Center for Data Science
© Universität Bielefeld
GPU-based high performance computing


The DataLab HPC and advanced simulation pools researchers from different faculties with computation intensive research topics. In doing so, the DataLab heavily profits from the long-term experience in GPU-based high performance computing (HPC) that has beem accumulated over year of computation-intensive research in the faculty for physics.

Currently the DataLab spans topics from high-energy simulations in particle physics over large-scale decision support problems in business administration and economics to cutting-edge cancer-research. The DataLab assembles a team of researchers around the common infra-structure of a GPU-based high performance computing cluster inaugurated at Bielefeld University in May 2019. This allows all researches at Bielefeld University access to HPC resources.

For more information, please contact us.

DataLab Members

Main focus

Parallel computing

GPU programming

Numerical simulations

Machine learning

Data analysis

														Prof. Dr. Gergely Endrödi

Prof. Dr. Gergely Endrödi

Main focus

Stochastic modelling and statistical inference

Applications from biomedicine and environmental and social sciences

														Prof. Dr. Christiane Fuchs

Prof. Dr. Christiane Fuchs

Main focus

Lattice Field Theory

Computational Physics

Parallel and GPU computing

HPC and GPU Clusters

Data Analysis

														Dr. Olaf Kaczmarek

Dr. Olaf Kaczmarek

Main focus

Lattice Field Theory

Computational Physics

Parallel and GPU computing

HPC and GPU Clusters

Data Analysis

														Prof. Dr. Frithjof Karsch

Prof. Dr. Frithjof Karsch

Main focus

Non-equilibrium dynamics

Parallel computing

Data analysis

														Prof. Dr. Sören Schlichting

Prof. Dr. Sören Schlichting

Main focus

Integrating Machine Learning and Optimization

Large-scale Container Logistics

														Prof. Dr. Kevin Tierney

Prof. Dr. Kevin Tierney

Members' Publications

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