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Bielefeld Center for Data Science

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  • Workshop on Data Literacy at the University:Future Festival 2024

    The workshop "Data Discovery: Gemeinsam die Welt der Datenkompetenzen erkunden" at the University:Future Festival 24 offers the opportunity to delve into the world of data literacy and to get to know an innovative evaluation concept for university teaching. The concept was developed in cooperation with various universities as part of the working group on data literacy of the Stifterverband, in which the Bielefeld Center for Data Science and its managing director Dr. Katharina Weiß are also involved. The workshop is aimed at anyone interested in higher education evaluation and data literacy. The methods presented are not only applicable to data literacy, but can also be transferred to other subject areas. In addition, participants will get a compact overview of key areas of expertise in modern data literacy courses, such as data analysis, critical thinking and ethical use of data.


  • Successful Workshop: Data Storytelling

    The workshop of BiCDaS and AE06 - Psychological Methods and Evaluation “Mit Daten Geschichten erzählen: Data Storytelling als Ansatz um Datenanalyseergebnisse adressat:innengerecht zu kommunizieren” during the Faculty of Psychology and Sport's Reading and Excursion Week was a complete success. Participants were able to learn the basics of data storytelling, such as how to combine data, visualisations and stories to communicate important issues such as the climate crisis or the coronavirus pandemic in an understandable way. A practical element of the programme was the use of Jupyter notebooks in R for various visualisation methods such as word clouds. For the participants, this was a valuable step towards targeted data communication.


  • New data lab for sustainability and climate change launched

    A new data lab "Bi DataLab Sustainability and Climate Change" has been founded at Bielefeld University at the Bielefeld Centre for Data Science. Data labs represent an agile approach to (internal) research collaboration, characterised by a thematic focus and a clear needs-driven orientation. The newly founded DataLab Sustainability and Climate Change at BiCDaS invites researchers at Bielefeld University working on sustainability, climate change and environmental protection to the Sustainability Networking Workshop on 7 June from 9 am to 2 pm. During the workshop - after a session of short (approx. 5 min) spotlight presentations - groups of researchers with similar research interests will come together with the aim of networking and thus making a more effective joint contribution to sustainability, e.g. by attracting third party funding for research projects. Interested researchers can register at Please include a brief note on the sustainability relevance of your own research and whether you are interested in submitting a Spotlight contribution.


  • BiCDaS Lecture Series: "Digital Literacy mit ChatGPT: Kompetenzen zum Umgang mit digitalen Texten"

    On 17 June 2024, Prof. Dr. Andreas Witt from the Leibniz Institute for the German Language Mannheim will give a lecture on "Digital Literacy mit ChatGPT: Kompetenzen zum Umgang mit digitalen Texten". The lecture will take place from 12:15 to 13:45 in the Cafe Nordlicht at Bielefeld University on site but also as a hybrid event online via Zoom. The lecture emphasises digital literacy in the humanities, with a focus on research data and the role of ChatGPT in the development of digital literacy. It begins with a conceptual introduction to digital literacy, highlighting the importance of digital texts in science, and covers their representation, analysis and processing, highlighting Python and spaCy as key tools.


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BiCDaS Partners

Screenshot from Voyant Tools © Silke Schwandt

Different initiatives and institutions within and beyond Bielefeld University are partners of BiCDaS. Partners focused on a specific discipline (e.g., life sciences) help to develop Data Science in close connection to different domains.

Methodically oriented partners contribute their expertise and competence by helping other researchers. Finally data-focused data feature a great deal of experience regarding data stewardship and research data management.

Statistics as a discipline is goal-oriented and universal. Its task spectrum ranges from empirical surveys and experiments to methodological, mathematical research. Important key areas of application are medicine and biometrics as well as economics and econometrics. Statistical methods have also found their way into a variety of other areas such as sociology, psychology, demography, epidemiology and insurance and many more.

This broad spectrum demonstrates that contemporary statistics is versatile and interdisciplinary. Therefore, adequate statistical knowledge can be regarded as a key skill for success in areas where data is used for decision making or control. The Center for Statistics (ZeSt) aims to emphasize the central role of statistics in teaching, research and practical application at Bielefeld University.

The ZeSt also initiated a Statistical Consulting Center (Statistisches Beratungs Centrum - StatBeCe). At StatBeCe, researchers can find support and counsel for the statistical analysis of their data. Occasionally, also external projects (e.g., industry projects) are counselled as well.

Research data are data that are generated and used during the research process or as a result of that process.

  • The range of data includes measurements conducted during experiments, observations or interviews, results of technical processes and model-based analyses or simulations as well as data from the exploration of scientific collections and the digitization of historical sources.
  • Research data can be presented in a large variety of types and formats and at different levels of aggregation.
  • For the qualified (re-)use of research data, it is essential that the context of their generation, the tools used to produce the data and the legal framework, are adequately documented.

The organization and administration of the procedures associated with the generation, processing, documentation and archiving of research data is known as research data management.

The Coordination Center for Research Data, among others, provides information on research data management, best practices and current funding guidelines. In addition, it helps to draw up data management plans for research projects.

In a resolution on research data management published in 2013, the Rectorate of Bielefeld University explicitly encouraged its scholars and scientists to make their research data easier to find and, if possible, to make them accessible and reusable by third parties. Bielefeld University thereby became the first German university to adopt such a resolution. Further information on research data management and, in particular, on the registration, archiving, publication, and citation of research data, can be found on the university website.

The Center for Biotechnology (CeBiTec) is a central academic institute at Bielefeld University. It bundles biotechnology and bioinformatics research to foster cross-linking of research approaches and technologies from different research fields and to develop innovative projects within its two main research areas: Large Scale Genomics and Big Data Bioinformatics and Metabolic Engineering of Unicellular Systems and Bioproduction. The availability of comprehensive technological infrastructure as provided by CeBiTec’s Technology Platforms is crucial for successful scientific work. The Technology Platform Genomics provides high throughput technologies for genome and post-genome research generating complex data sets enabling holistic approaches to describe microbial, plant, animal and human cells. The Technology Platform Bioinformatics provides software solutions, ranging from functional genome analysis and metagenomics to transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics. A comprehensive computation and storage infrastructure including cloud computing environments, is made available for researchers from Bielefeld University and project partners.

CeBiTec and its technology platforms offers an environment which is considered unique at German universities. The CeBiTec was chosen to host the Coordination and Administration Unit of the German Network for Bioinformatics Infrastructure (de.NBI), a service and training network funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). It is composed of eight service units across Germany, one of which is located at the CeBiTec.

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