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  • CeUS Working Papers

    Campus der Universität Bielefeld
    Campus der Universität Bielefeld
    © Uni Bielefeld / Philipp Ottendörfer
Universität Bielefeld
The latest addition to the CeUS Working Paper Series.

The CeUS Working Paper Series disseminates latest research papers related to the field of Uncertainty Studies. The series has a broad scope both from a disciplinary and methodological perspective and is open for contributions from scholars worldwide. CeUS Working Papers are published to stimulate discussion and interdisciplinary exchange and to contribute to the advancement of our understanding of the role of uncertainty in society and nature. 

The editorial committee of the series is composed of:

Herbert Dawid

Silke Schwandt

Andreas Zick

Submissions should be sent as a PDF file by e-mail to: ceus@uni-bielefeld.de

No transfer of copyright is required for publishing in the CeUS Working Paper Series. We encourage all authors to ensure that pre-publishing their research as a working paper will not jeopardize their chances of publishing in peer-reviewed journals.

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