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Routledge Handbooks of the Americas

Landkarte der Amerikas
© Universität Bielefeld

"Rethinking the Americas"

The three Handbooks were edited by the Center for InterAmerican Studies (CIAS) at Bielefeld University and published in 2019 and 2020 by Routledge. The publication charts the field of Inter-American studies focusing on the transnational or hemispheric dimensions of social, cultural and political dynamics in the Americas in history and contemporary times. Inter-American studies can be conceived as a trend setter for the recent paradigm shift in area studies embracing a transnational epistemology and a focus on the dynamics of entanglement. The ever-increasing and multi-layered processes of integration and transnationalization in the Americas entail the desire for a standard reference book for both scholars and students capturing the terminological and methodological rethinking of (trans)area studies in the current era of globalization. The project generates and systematizes knowledge about the Americas by using a collection of key topics discussed critically through an interrelated and meta-reflexive lens. Cultural and Postcolonial Studies form a common, interdisciplinary foundation for the publication which is divided into three thematic volumes. Each volume is edited by an international and interdisciplinary team of scholars:

The Routledge Handbook to History and Society of the Americas

Informationen über das erste Buch der Reihe mit einem Bild des ersten Buches

Ed. Olaf Kaltmeier (Bielefeld University), Josef Raab (University of Duisburg-Essen), Michael Stewart Foley (Université Grenoble Alpes), Alice Nash (University of Massachusetts, Amherst), Stefan Rinke (FU Berlin), Mario Rufer (UAM-Xochimilico)

Part I "History and Society": (16th - 19th Century) edited by Josef Raab, Stefan Rinke and Alice Nash

Part II "History and Society": (20th - 21th Century) edited by Olaf Kaltmeier, Michael Foley and Mario Rufer

The Routledge Handbook to Political Economy and Governance in the Americas

Informationen über das zweite Buch der Reihe mit einem Bild des zweiten Buches

Ed. Anne Tittor (University of Jena), Olaf Kaltmeier (Bielefeld University), Daniel Hawkins (Bogotá), and Eleonora Rohland (Bielefeld University)

Part I "Political Economy" edited by Anne Tittor, Bernhard Leubolt, and Daniel Hawkins

Part II "Geopolitics and Governance" edited by Olaf Kaltmeier and Eleonora Rohland

The Routledge Handbook to Culture and Media of the Americas

Informationen über das dritte und bisher letzte Buch der Reihe und einem Bild des Buches

Ed. Wilfried Raussert (Bielefeld University), José Carlos Lozano (Texas A&M University), Giselle Anatol (University of Kansas), Sarah Corona Berkin (University of Guadalajara), Sebastian Thies (University of Tübingen)

Part I "Literature and Music" edited by Wilfried Raussert, Giselle Anatol and Joachim Michael

Part II "Media and Visual Cultures" edited by Sebastian Thies, Sarah Corona Berkin, and José Carlos Lozano

The Handbooks seek to provide a better understanding of the key topics needed to explore the hemispheric space of entanglements in the Americas as a new perspective in area studies. As standard reference books, the handbook's focus on dynamics of entanglements in the Americas puts emphasis on the mutual construction of meaning and concepts. It stresses the dimension of "inter" as a discursive zone to capture the dynamics, negotiations and power relations of knowledge production from diverse loci of enunciation.

For further information on the project, please contact Prof. Dr. Olaf Kaltmeier.

  • Bild mit dem Adler der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und der Zusatzinformation, dass die Buchreihe durch das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung gefördert worden ist.
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