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Rout­ledge Hand­books of the Ame­ri­cas

Landkarte der Amerikas
© Uni­ver­si­tät Bie­le­feld

"Rethin­king the Ame­ri­cas"

The three Hand­books were edi­ted by the Cen­ter for In­ter­Ame­ri­can Stu­dies (CIAS) at Bie­le­feld Uni­ver­si­ty and pu­blished in 2019 and 2020 by Rout­ledge. The pu­bli­ca­ti­on charts the field of Inter-​American stu­dies fo­cu­sing on the trans­na­tio­nal or he­mi­s­phe­ric di­men­si­ons of so­cial, cul­tu­ral and po­li­ti­cal dy­na­mics in the Ame­ri­cas in his­to­ry and con­tem­pora­ry times. Inter-​American stu­dies can be con­cei­ved as a trend set­ter for the re­cent pa­ra­digm shift in area stu­dies em­bra­cing a trans­na­tio­nal epis­te­mo­lo­gy and a focus on the dy­na­mics of ent­an­gle­ment. The ever-​increasing and multi-​layered pro­ces­ses of in­te­gra­ti­on and trans­na­tio­na­liza­ti­on in the Ame­ri­cas entail the de­si­re for a stan­dard re­fe­rence book for both scholars and stu­dents cap­tu­ring the ter­mi­no­lo­gi­cal and me­tho­do­lo­gi­cal rethin­king of (trans)area stu­dies in the cur­rent era of glo­ba­liza­ti­on. The pro­ject ge­ne­ra­tes and sys­te­ma­ti­zes know­ledge about the Ame­ri­cas by using a collec­tion of key to­pics dis­cus­sed cri­ti­cal­ly th­rough an in­ter­re­la­ted and meta-​reflexive lens. Cul­tu­ral and Post­co­lo­ni­al Stu­dies form a com­mon, in­ter­di­sci­pli­na­ry founda­ti­on for the pu­bli­ca­ti­on which is di­vi­ded into three the­ma­tic vo­lu­mes. Each vo­lu­me is edi­ted by an in­ter­na­tio­nal and in­ter­di­sci­pli­na­ry team of scholars:

The Rout­ledge Hand­book to His­to­ry and So­cie­ty of the Ame­ri­cas

Informationen über das erste Buch der Reihe mit einem Bild des ersten Buches

Ed. Olaf Kalt­mei­er (Bie­le­feld Uni­ver­si­ty), Josef Raab (Uni­ver­si­ty of Duisburg-​Essen), Mi­cha­el Ste­wart Foley (Uni­ver­sité Gre­no­ble Alpes), Alice Nash (Uni­ver­si­ty of Mas­sa­chu­setts, Am­herst), Ste­fan Rinke (FU Ber­lin), Mario Rufer (UAM-​Xochimilico)

Part I "His­to­ry and So­cie­ty": (16th - 19th Cen­tu­ry) edi­ted by Josef Raab, Ste­fan Rinke and Alice Nash

Part II "His­to­ry and So­cie­ty": (20th - 21th Cen­tu­ry) edi­ted by Olaf Kalt­mei­er, Mi­cha­el Foley and Mario Rufer

The Rout­ledge Hand­book to Po­li­ti­cal Eco­no­my and Go­ver­nan­ce in the Ame­ri­cas

Informationen über das zweite Buch der Reihe mit einem Bild des zweiten Buches

Ed. Anne Tit­tor (Uni­ver­si­ty of Jena), Olaf Kalt­mei­er (Bie­le­feld Uni­ver­si­ty), Da­ni­el Hawkins (Bogotá), and Eleo­no­ra Roh­land (Bie­le­feld Uni­ver­si­ty)

Part I "Po­li­ti­cal Eco­no­my" edi­ted by Anne Tit­tor, Bern­hard Leu­bolt, and Da­ni­el Hawkins

Part II "Geo­po­li­tics and Go­ver­nan­ce" edi­ted by Olaf Kalt­mei­er and Eleo­no­ra Roh­land

The Rout­ledge Hand­book to Cul­tu­re and Media of the Ame­ri­cas

Informationen über das dritte und bisher letzte Buch der Reihe und einem Bild des Buches

Ed. Wil­fried Raus­sert (Bie­le­feld Uni­ver­si­ty), José Car­los Lo­za­no (Texas A&M Uni­ver­si­ty), Gi­sel­le Ana­tol (Uni­ver­si­ty of Kan­sas), Sarah Co­ro­na Ber­kin (Uni­ver­si­ty of Gua­da­la­ja­ra), Se­bas­ti­an Thies (Uni­ver­si­ty of Tü­bin­gen)

Part I "Li­te­ra­tu­re and Music" edi­ted by Wil­fried Raus­sert, Gi­sel­le Ana­tol and Joa­chim Mi­cha­el

Part II "Media and Vi­su­al Cul­tu­res" edi­ted by Se­bas­ti­an Thies, Sarah Co­ro­na Ber­kin, and José Car­los Lo­za­no

The Hand­books seek to pro­vi­de a bet­ter un­der­stan­ding of the key to­pics nee­ded to ex­plo­re the he­mi­s­phe­ric space of ent­an­gle­ments in the Ame­ri­cas as a new per­spec­ti­ve in area stu­dies. As stan­dard re­fe­rence books, the hand­book's focus on dy­na­mics of ent­an­gle­ments in the Ame­ri­cas puts em­pha­sis on the mu­tu­al con­st­ruc­tion of me­a­ning and con­cepts. It stres­ses the di­men­si­on of "inter" as a dis­cur­si­ve zone to cap­tu­re the dy­na­mics, nego­tia­ti­ons and power re­la­ti­ons of know­ledge pro­duc­tion from di­ver­se loci of en­un­cia­ti­on.

For fur­ther in­for­ma­ti­on on the pro­ject, plea­se con­tact Prof. Dr. Olaf Kalt­mei­er.

  • Bild mit dem Adler der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und der Zusatzinformation, dass die Buchreihe durch das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung gefördert worden ist.
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