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Peter Prestel

Further Resources for Language Learning

BBC Learning English (
A top language learning aid provided by the BBC with a multitude of resources for improving your English competence.

BrainPOP ESL (
Extensive autonomous learning resource for students at the beginner and pre-intermediate levels; also contains great ESL teacher resources. Requires paid subscription, but a free trial version is available.

English Learning Podcast (
On you can find many different podcasts for learning English.

Free Rice (
A site featuring many subjects including Math, Science and Language. For each answer you get correct, the organization will donate 10 grains of rice to the United Nations World Food Program. One can practice English Vocabulary and Grammar. Additionally, practice vocabulary in German, Spanish, French and Italian.

Language School Direct (
This is a language school directory where you can find your perfect language school for your next language course abroad! This is helpful for arranging a study abroad program for language or a language vacation.

Learning English Online (
Website/Learning Portal with interactive lessons, vocabulary and grammar assistance. Additionally, there are various resources for students and teachers including magazines and a large multimedia collection.

National Public Radio (
Website provided by the United States Public Broadcasting Service featuring articles and podcast for current events and a variety of intereseting topics. Most articles include both a written transcript and an auido recording,

Ultimate Vocabulary Resource Guide (
On this site you can find vocabulary resources for ESL learners, general vocabulary tools, resources for educators and parents, vocabulary test preparations, and more.

Voice of America (
A plethora of resources to study, practice and improve your English skills. Based on reports covering a rich assortment of topics of current interest, in video or audio format - all with full transcripts.



Deutsche Welle (
One of the most well known sites regularly used by people from around the world to learn and practice German.

Goethe-Institut (
The Goethe-Institut is the Federal Republic of Germany’s cultural institution operational worldwide. They promote the study of German abroad and encourage international cultural exchange by providing information on its culture, society and politics.

Punktum (Punktum Webpage)
Punktum is a language teaching service provided by Bielefeld University and is responsible for providing German as a Foreign Language classes at the University. They offer traditional classes at every level and blended learning opportunities in cooperation with the FSZ for the beginner levels.

Net Vibes Apprendre Le Français en Ligne (
Comprehensive site for French language learning resources.

Institut Français D’Allemagne (
Central organization and resource for finding French learning and teaching opportunities throughout Germany.

Instituto Cervantes (
Central organization officially responsible for setting standards for the teaching and learning of Spanish worldwide. The site features various content focusing of culture and language.

American Sign Language Browser (
Teach yourself sign language online.

Learn10 (
Gives you a language learning habit that’s hard to kick. 10 new words; everywhere, every day.

Mango Languages (
Over 100 lessons, shown to you in PowerPoint style with interstitial quizzes, to move you through any language without cracking a book.

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