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Active Sensing

© Universität Bielefeld

Sensory Imaging

In cooperation with the Prof Angel Caputi and the lab of Prof. von der Emde we investigate basic physical properties of electrolocation.

Electric images are superposition images, far from ideal for image analysis. We recently proved that the images of identical objects depend on the body region that the images are projected upon.

The slope of the images, a parameter linked to distance/size of an object depends on the region under consideration. However, fish are able to solve distance determination tasks remarkeably well. Presently we investiagte the impact of active locomotion on the properties of the electrical images (electrical flow).

Using the novelty response, we confirmed (T. Röver) that the Schnauzenorgan constitutes a foveal region in electrolocation. It is here that fish show their highest sensitivity to novel objects in the environment. This is partially due to the pre-receptor mechanisms (R. Pusch) in this region as well as the high receptor density. Currently we seek to understand (M. Amey) the sensory-motor loop mediating stimulus triggered repositioning of this unique structure.

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