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Cognitive Neuroscience

© Universität Bielefeld

Research topics & objectives

Our mission is to understand the neurophysiological and computational principles underlying sensory perception, decision making and active behavior. Our research combines behavioural studies with neuroimaging (M/EEG), virtual reality and computational modeling.

Current work focuses on hearing and multisensory perception (see research). In everyday life, we rely on the proper interplay of our different senses to perceive the world. For example, we can selectively combine or segregate the evidence provided by each sense to guide our actions, e.g. when using lip movements to 'hear better' in a noisy environment. Our work seeks to understand when and how the brain selects and combines sensory and other information to guide behavior.

  • © Universität Bielefeld
  • News!

    • August 2023: Publication on the different time scales of common-cause evidence in multisensory perception in PlosOne.
    • June 2023: New publication in EJN on multisensory recalibration.
    • May 2023: Publication in JNeurophys by Debats et al the on short-term effects of sensory discrepancies on integration.
    • March 2023: Neuroimage publication on cross-modal associations by Sciortino & Kayser
    • (Click here for more)



  • Resources

    Code and stimuli used in previous research

    © Universität Bielefeld

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