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  • Computational Biology

    © Universität Bielefeld

Transcriptional Responses

© Universität Bielefeld

For adapting to changing biotic and abiotic environmental conditions plants change their transcriptome from which the proteome and finally the phenotype can be derived. With comparing wild-type and mutant plants and/or plants under changing conditions, the internal processes can be described and analyzed.

Current research projects


  • Sulfur metabolism
  • Carbon metabolism
  • Nutritional effects by way of Bor
  • Cryopreservation
  • Pathogen signaling


  • Pathogen signaling in Arabidopsis, 2016 [read more]
  • Responses to CO2 in wt and mutant Arabidopsis plants, 2017 [read more]
  • Responses to CO2 in a red alga, 2017 [read more]
  • Diurnal and nitrogen responses in a fern, Azolla filiculoides, 2017 [read more]
  • Responses to drought in Talinum triangulare, a CAM plant [read more]
  • Responses to SO2 in Arabidopsis, 2012 [read more]
  • Maize responses to nitrogen and phosphate availability, 2012&2013 [read more] [read more]

Please see "Publications" for any additional links

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