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  • DZG 27th Graduate Meeting Evolutionary Biology (31 Mar - 2 Apr 2022)

    © Universität Bielefeld

DZG 27th Graduate Meeting Evolutionary Biology: Phenotypic Plasticity & Evolution

© Steve Ramm

The 27th DZG Graduate Meeting in Evolutionary Biology was hosted in person by the Department of Evolutionary Biology at Bielefeld University (31st March - 2nd April, 2022). The main topic of the meeting was ‘Phenotypic plasticity & evolution’ but graduate students and postdocs working in any area of evolutionary biology attended and presented their work. Invited speakers were Sinead English (University of Bristol) and Oliver Otti (TU Dresden). In addition to the invited and contributed talks and posters, there was a workshop on data and code curation led by David García-Callejas, as well as a panel discussion on research funding led by Barbara Caspers (Bielefeld University), Klaus Reinhold (Bielefeld University) and Toni Gossmann (Bielefeld University).

Organizers: Alfredo Sánchez-Tójar and Steve Ramm.

Meeting report: The 27th Graduate Meeting of the FG Evolutionary Biology on the subject “Phenotypic Plasticity & Evolution” took place from March 31st to April 2nd 2022 in person at Bielefeld University's Institute for Advanced Study (ZiF) and was sponsored by both the DZG and the SFB-TRR 212 "NC3". Sinead English (University of Bristol) and Oliver Otti (TU Dresden) were invited as plenary speakers, David García-Callejas led a 3-h workshop on reproducible code, and Barbara Caspers, Klaus Reinhold and Toni Gossmann led a roundtable discussion on academic funding in Germany. The meeting was organized by Steve Ramm and Alfredo Sánchez-Tójar, both from the Department of Evolutionary Biology at Bielefeld University. It was a fantastic experience for all 50+ attendees from all over Germany and more.

For more information and pictures, please see our Twitter feed.


Practical information:

Venue info: All sessions took place at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF) of Bielefeld University, located on the hillside above the main university campus (annotated map).

Travel: To travel between the city centre and the university, you can take either the tram (line 4) or bus (lines 21, 61 or 62). You need a zone 1 ticket (there’s a machine at every tram stop and some bus stops, or you can buy them direct from the bus driver for a small premium). For most people, the most convenient stops in the city centre will be Rathaus, Jahnplatz or Hauptbahnhof. The tram station is underground (take line 4 towards Universität/ Lohmannshof and get off at Universität) and the bus station is above ground (on the same side of the road as Commerzbank, take a line 21/61/62 bus towards Halle/Werther/Borgholzhausen and get off at Universität Studenten-Wohnheim or Wellensiek Süd). On either the tram or the bus, the whole journey takes ca. 20-30 mins.



  • Plenary talk 1: 'Plasticity and environmental change: what do the models say, how can we test them?', by Sinead English.
  • Plenary talk 2: 'Microbes: ecological factors affecting male and female reproductive traits', by Oliver Otti.
  • Workshop: 'Managing your R code towards reproducibility: a few steps to make your (coding) life easier', by David García-Callejas.
  • Roundtable: "the German scientific funding landscape", by Barbara Caspers, Klaus Reinhold and Toni Gossmann.

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