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  • Individualised niches in a variable environment

    © Universität Bielefeld
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Dr. Peter Nabutanyi

Rishabh Bagawade

Anastasiia Enne

Vishnu Venugopal

Individualised niches in a variable environment – Consequences for environmental change responses and for species interactions

© P. Nabutanyi

Population density affects many aspects of an individual’s life: resource competition, social environment and potential aggressive encounters, as well as mating opportunities and competition for mates. Building on the conceptual understanding on the emergence and maintenance of individualised (density) niches we now explore the consequences of individualised niches and the NC3-mechanisms for higher-level processes, in particular for a population’s response to environmental change and for species interactions.

As a part of the Collaborativ Research Center SFB-TRR-212, we will explore the consequences of individualised niches for a species’ response to environmental change and for interactions with other species in two parts of the project.



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