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Application of Biocatalysis in Organic Synthesis

Prof. Dr. Sabine Flitsch
Emeritus Prof., University of Manchester

17:15 Uhr in H3


Vergangene Termine


News from Phosphorus in Low Coordination

Prof. Dr. Christian Müller
FU Berlin

17:15 Uhr in H3

Neutron Scattering as a Window into Soft Matter Complexity

Dr. Leonardo Chiappisi
Scientific Coordinator PSCM, Insitut Max von Laue-Paul Langevin (ILL), Grenoble

Do., 23.01.2025
17:15 Uhr in H3

„Plastics of the Future?“ Polymers with tunable biodegradation profile.

Prof. Dr. Frederik R. Wurm
Dep. of Molecules and Materials, MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology,  Universität Twente

Do., 16.01.2025
17:15 Uhr in H3

Raman-Spectroscopy: A non-destructive tool for the physical-chemical characterisation of (bio)material

Prof. Dr. Sabine Hild
Insitut für Polymerwissenschaften, Johannes-Kepler-Universität, Linz

Do., 09.01.2025
17:15 Uhr in H3

Advanced Functional Polymer Brushes: From Self-Healing Coatings to Photocatalysis

Prof. Dr. Christian Pester
University of Delaware, Dep. of Materials Science & Engineering
Newark, USA

Do., 12.12.2024
17:15 Uhr in H3



Sextett in phosphorreicher Runde - Neues aus der Organoelementchemie

 Prof. Dr. Rudolf Pietschnig
 Institut für Chemie, AG Chemische Hybridmaterialien, Universität Kassel

 Do., 28.11.2024
 17:15 Uhr in H3

Silylene Metal Complexes: Bonding to Catalysis

 Prof. Dr. Shabana Khan
 Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Pune

 Do., 21.11.2024
 17:15 Uhr in H3

Bioactive Self-Assembling Peptides and Lipopeptides

 Prof. Dr. Ian Hamley
 Dep. of Chemistry, University of Reading, UK

 Do., 07.11.2024
 17:15 Uhr in H3

Autonomous and Interactive Explorations of Chemical Reaction Networks

 Prof. Dr. Markus Reiher - Preisträger d. Heilbronner-Hückel-Vorlesung
 ETH Zürich

 Mi., 30.10.2024
 17:15 Uhr in H2

Tipping points in the coupled human-Earth system: risks and opportunities

 Prof. Dr. Jonathan Donges
 Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

 Do., 17.10.2024
 17:15 Uhr in H3

 Sustainability assessment in industry, SEEbalance and other approaches

 Prof. Dr. Peter Saling
 BASF, Ludwigshafen

 Do., 18.07.2024
 17:15 Uhr in H3

Recycling of metals by (vacuum) distillation and solvent extraction

 Prof. Dr. Christiane Scharf
 TU Bergakademie Freiberg

 Do., 11.07.2024
 17:15 Uhr in H3

Molekulare Ursachen und neuartige Behandlungsmöglichkeiten des
Morbus Parkinson

 PD Dr. Michael Schwake
 Biochemie, Uni-Bielefeld

 Do., 04.07.2024
 17:15 Uhr in H3

AUSGEFALLEN: Synchrotron X-ray scattering methods for probing the structure and dynamics
of soft matter

 Prof. Dr. Narayanan
 ESRF, Grenoble

 Do., 27.06.2024
 17:15 Uhr in H3

Soft and Responsive: Exploring the Structure and Dynamics of Microgels

 Prof. Dr. Raphael J.F. Berger
 Paris-Lodron Universität, Salzburg

 Do., 20.06.2024
 17:15 Uhr in H3

Algorithmic Cheminformatics

Soft and Responsive: Exploring the Structure and Dynamics of Microgels

 Prof. Dr. Roberta Angelini
 Institute for Complex Systems, Sapienza University, Rom

 Do., 13.06.2024
 17:15 Uhr in H3

Carborane Substituded Boranes

 Prof. Dr. Caleb Martin
 Baylor University, Waco, Texas

 Do., 06.06.2024
 17:15 Uhr in H3

Dioxygen: a molecule that needs to be activated

 Prof. Dr. Siegfried Schindler
 Institut für Anorganische und Analytische Chemie, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen

 Do., 23.05.2024
 17:15 Uhr in H3

 Dr. Daniel Merkle
 Technische Fakultät, Uni-Bielefeld

 Do., 25.04.2024
 17:15 Uhr in H3

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