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  • FOR5215 - Bioinspired Oxidation Catalysis with Iron Complexes

    We are a DFG-funded Research Unit investigating the “Bioinspired Oxidation Catalysis with Iron Complexes”.


  • YaBiNaPA

    YaBiNaPA is the Yaoundé-Bielefeld Bilateral Graduate School for antiparasitic and antimicrobial Natural Products Discovery funded by DAAD to strengthen the capacity of Lecturers, Researchers (Master and PhD students) in the domain of phytomedicine for sustainable development in developing countries as planned by the 2030 agenda of UN on the theme «Transforming our World".

  • MagicBullet::reloaded

    The ETN Magicbullet::reloaded will expand the field of investigation from peptide-​drug conjugates (PDCs) to small molecule-​drug conjugates (SMDCs) with a special focus on drugs capable to stimulate tumor immune responses and overcome resistance to immuno-​therapy.

  • MagicBullet

    The ETN MAGICBULLET will focus on chemistry-​driven approaches toward conjugates between peptides (delivery vectors) that recognize tumors and anticancer drugs (payloads or warheads) in order to selectively fight cancer, a topic with a high demand of research activities.

  • CM2 - Centrum für Molekulare Materialien

    Wir kombinieren das technische Know-how unserer Kooperationspartner aus der Industrie mit den aktuellen Erkenntnissen aus unserer Grundlagenforschung, um neue leistungsfähige Materialien zu entwickeln.

    CM2 - Centrum für Molekulare Materialien
  • GED@BI

    Das Gerätezentrum "Gas-Elektronen-Diffraktion und Strukturzentrum für kleine Moleküle, Bielefeld (GED@BI)" wurde gegründet, um der naturwissenschaftlichen Gemeinschaft Zugang zu und Service rund um die Bestimmung molekularer Strukturen kleiner Moleküle zu bieten.

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