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Faculty of Educational Science

Campus der Universität Bielefeld
© Universität Bielefeld

International Perspectives on Inclusive Education

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Our team is committed to developing in-depth research on inclusion and equity in education both at local and international levels. Rather than simply translating solutions and practices generated in schooling systems across various countries, we seek a deeper understanding of the global circulation and transformation of inclusive values, policies, theories and practices.

German and internationally recruited academics together address a broad range of expertise and interests in education sciences, psychology, public policy, ethnography, sociology of education, or disability studies. They take part on a regular basis to international scholar networks on inclusive education; and organize scientific events, such as conferences, workshops, seminars, or lectures series.

Current and past partnerships particularly focus on research-oriented collaborations, knowledge production and sharing, and enhanced teaching and learning practice.

International Symposium & Seminar

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Photos from the symposium

© Universität Bielefeld

Mit Unterstützung der Fritz-Thyssen-Stiftung für Wissenschaftsförderung

'Reading Inclusive Education Divergently: Between Official Discourses and Local Complexities'

Thursday, 5 December 2019 and Friday, 6 December 2019
Bielefeld University in X-E0-222

On December 5 and 6 the international symposium and seminar ‘Reading Inclusive Education Divergently: Between Official Discourses and Local Complexities’ took place at Bielefeld. It was designed by Bettina Amrhein from the Educational Department of Bielefeld University and Srikala Naraian from Teachers College, Columbia University to address the question of long-term change in regional practices, in light of developments in the field of inclusive education around the world. It invited participants from the so-called “Global North” and “Global South” to come together and achieve a deeper understanding of the global circulation and transformation of the commitments, policies, theories and practices that collectively constitute the field of inclusive education currently.

Academics from 14 institutions in 10 countries participated in our two-day-program. After an introduction by Srikala Naraian and Bettina Amrhein, the symposium was kicked off by a lecture and interactive session by Dan Goodley, who joined via the internet from the UK and talked aboutBeing human in inhuman times. In the afternoon there were two panels, panel one dealing with the topicDefining Inclusion in the Global Context: Continuing Challenges and Contradictions, moderated by Srikala Naraian and featuring talks by Evariste Karangwa, Bettina Amrhein and Anita Ghai. Panel two was under the topicMethodological risk-taking: New directions for researching Inclusion and featured, moderated by Bettina Amrhein, talks by Srikala Naraian, Andreas Köpfer, Julia Biermann and Michelle Proyer. The day was concluded with dinner in Bielefeld University’s restaurant Nordlicht.

The second day started with a presentation and interactive session by Roger Slee, who joined remotely from Australia via the internet and talked about the general state of inclusive education in an international context. Afterwards, several participants of the symposium and seminar gave responses to the question of the day,What have you learned from your own research in inclusive education that provokes new questions for a transnational approach to inclusion that can be sustained across diverse sociocultural contexts?. In the afternoon, there was a working session on several current questions in inclusive education, after which the symposium was concluded with an outlook towards the future.

Following on the symposium, the establishment of a Research Network on Transnational Inclusive Education is now being set up with the aim that the participants will continue to work together to foster new relationships and contribute to the transformation of the discourse around inclusive education is pursued.


														Prof. Dr. Bettina Amrhein

Prof. Dr. Bettina Amrhein


Telefon Sekr.
+49 521 106-3303
Gebäude Z Z2-305

														Dr. Benjamin Badstieber

Dr. Benjamin Badstieber

														Dr. Johannes Tschapka

Dr. Johannes Tschapka

Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben

Telefon Sekr.
+49 521 106-6872
Gebäude Z Z2-301
Moritz Schütz (Photo)

Moritz Schütz

Visiting Scholars

  • Prof. Chris Forlin
  • Prof. Justin Powell
  • Dr. Kristine Black Hawkins
  • Prof Dr. Srikala Narian




  • Naraian, S. & Amrhein, B.(2020). Learning to read ‘inclusion’ divergently: enacting a transnational approach to inclusive education. International Journal of Inclusive Education. DOI: 10.1080/13603116.2020.1807624.https://doi.org/10.1080/13603116.2020.1807624
  • Tan, Run (2019). Exploring successful inclusive practice in China: a case study focusing on a public inclusive kindergarten in Shanghai. In Andreas K., Justin J.W. P. & Raphael Z. Handbuch Inklusion International – globale, nationale und lokale Perspektiven auf Inklusive Bildung. Verlag Barbara Budrich.
  • Tan, Run & Amrhein, Bettina (to be published in June, 2019). English Student Teacher Efficacy to Implement Inclusive Practices in an English Classroom. HLZ Herausforderung Lehrer_innenbildung Zeitschrift zur Konzeption, Gestaltung und Diskussion Herausgeberschaft.
  • Amrhein, B.& Badstieber, B. (2018). Berufsbezogene Sichtweisen von Schulleitenden im Kontext der Ausgestaltung inklusiver Schulentwicklungsprozesse. In S. Huber(Hrsg.),Jahrbuch Schulleitung 2018 -Befunde und Impulse zu den Handlungsfeldern des Schulmanagements.
  • Amrhein, B. & Badstieber, B. & Koepfer, A. (2018). Schulleitungen im Kontext inklusiver Bildungsreformen. In T. Sturm & M. Wagner-Willi (Hrsg.).Handbuch schulische Inklusion(S.235-250).Opladen [u.a.]: Budrich.
  • Amrhein, B. & Waschke, L. (2018). Bericht zur Auswertung der Inklusionskonzepte der Deutschen Auslandsschulen - Entwicklung des IDAS-Index. Available online. https://www.auslandsschulwesen.de/
  • Joselin, L. & Popescu, C. (2018). Le handicap brouille-t-il le genre ? La mise en "Portrait" du handicap dans le journal Libération. Développement humain handicap et changement social. Représentations sociales et handicap : Regards croisés sur le sens commun du handicap24(1), 141-156.
  • Tschapka, Johannes (2018). When the demanding initiatives lost their controversial forces and the notion environment became an empty signifier – on the political of ENSI. In: Affolter Christine: Varga Atila (Eds.) Environment and School Initiatives- Lessons learnt from the ENSI Network – Past, Present and Future , ENSI, Vienna. pp. 233 – 242.
  • Tschapka, Johannes (2018). Scenario Technique. In: Pedret, Annie. (Ed.) Pyong Yang 2050: Spatial futures. Kyong Won Suh, Seoul. pp. 30 – 38.
  • Tschapka, Johannes; Milne, Peter (publication in press) Cultivating Sustainability Virtues – Political Philosophy and Competence Building in Korean School Education. 
  • Amrhein, B. & Badstieber, B. (2017). Perspektiven von und auf Schulleitungen im Kontext aktueller inklusionsorientierter Schulentwicklungsprozesse.Sonderpädagogische Förderung 2/2017, S. 180-194.
  • Amrhein, B. (2016).Inklusion als Mehrebenenkonstellation –Anmerkungen zu Rekontextualisierungstendenzen in inklusiven Bildungsreformen. In: Amrhein, B. (2016). (ed.) Diagnostik im Kontext inklusiver Bildung –Theorien, Ambivalenzen, Akteure, Konzepte.Klinkhardt Verlag
  • Amrhein, B. & Badstieber, B. (2016).Lehrkräfte zwischen sonderpädagogischer Qualifizierung und inklusiver Bildung.Zeitschrift für Pädagogik. Beiheft(62): 175-189
  • Douglas R. Gress; Johannes M. Tschapka (2016) Bridging Geography and Education for Sustainable Development: a Korean example. In: Journal of Geography, DOi: 10.1080/00221341.2015.1119874
  • Tschapka, Johannes; Lee, Young-Joo (2016) The Meaning of Sustainability Matters – Analysing Practices of Education for Sustainable Development in Korea’s Teacher Education. In: Beiträge zur Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung. Zeitschrift zu Theorie und Praxis der Aus- und Weiterbildung von Lehrerinnen und Lehrern, 34. Jahrgang, Heft 3/2016, pp. 384-393.
  • Tschapka, Johannes; Lee, Young-Joo (2016). Sustainability concepts in environmental educations’ master and PhD theses – explorative study in a Korean graduate school. In: Lambrechts, Wim, Hindson, James (eds.), Research and innovation in education for sustainable Development. Exploring collaborative networks, critical characteristics and evaluation practices. environment and school initiatives - ensi, ZVR-Zahl 408619713, Vienna, Austria, pp. 227-240.
  • Tschapka, Johannes; Mayer, Michela; (2016) Cultivating action and collaborative research on ESD: case study on the ‘new researchers generation’ in ensi’s network. In: Lambrechts, Wim, Hindson, James (eds.), Research and innovation in education for sustainable Development. Exploring collaborative networks, critical characteristics and evaluation practicesEnvironment and school initiatives - ensi, ZVR-Zahl 408619713, Vienna, Austria, 185-196.
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