An der Fakultät für Erziehungswissenschaft finden regelmäßig internationale Lehrprojekte, wie durch das ERASMUS+ Programm geförderte "Blended Intensive Programmes", Workshops und Blockseminare statt.
Die Fakultät bietet zudem in jedem Semester eine Vielzahl englischsprachiger Lehrveranstaltungen an, welche im eKVV einsehbar sind.
Eine Übersicht über die aktuellen und vergangenen internationalen Lehrprojekte an der Fakultät finden Sie im weiteren Verlauf.
Das Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) 'Breaking the Bubble' bietet die Gelegenheit, Bildungssysteme weltweit aus einer vergleichenden Perspektive zu analysieren. Ziel des Kurses ist es, tiefere Einblicke in die Funktionsweise von Schulen und Bildungssystemen verschiedener Länder zu gewinnen – mit einem besonderen Fokus auf Fragen von Inklusion und Exklusion in Bildungskontexten.
Das Seminar verbindet online und vor-Ort-Komponenten in einem interaktiven und kollaborativen Lernformat. Während der vor-Ort-Woche in Bielefeld arbeiten die Teilnehmenden mit Studierenden aus verschiedenen Ländern zusammen, tauschen sich interdisziplinär aus und vertiefen ihr Wissen in praxisnahen Workshops und Diskussionen
Lehrende: Frau Amelie Labusch; Dr. Michaela Vogt
In an age defined by rapid digital transformation, visual forms of (self-)representation have gained unprecedented prominence. This seminar examines the role of images in biographical youth research, addressing these questions: How can various types of images be leveraged to study youth? What relationships exist between imagery and biography? And how can image-based data be effectively triangulated with other forms of collected data?
Our investigation focuses on smartphone imagery, framed by value theory, which interprets such images as expressions of internal concepts of the "good life" and as indicators of what individuals deem meaningful. By integrating perspectives from youth theory and biographical research, the seminar combines theoretical exploration with practical methodologies to delve into these themes.
Participants will gain a deeper understanding of this emerging research field and hands-on experience by adopting dual roles as both researchers and participants. Through collaborative seminar activities, they will collect and analyze a range of data types—including images, interviews, and questionnaires—bridging theoretical insights with empirical practice to uncover the ways youth use visual media to construct and express their sense of self.
Lehrende: Dr. Christine Demmer; Frau Rebekka Hahn
This seminar adresses the challenges presented by growing up in circumstances of disadvantages. In particular the seminar offers analytical and theoretical insights as well as empirical evidence on how difference is mobilized, performed and transformed into disadvantages. Aspects such as being poorer than average, being disabled, being a child from an ethnic minority, being a child of working class parents, being a migrant or a refugee child will be thouroughly discussed.
Lehrende: Frau Antoanneta Potsi
Die Ringvorlesung beleuchtet, wie gesellschaftliche Ungleichheiten die Kindheit, das Leben und die Perspektiven von Kindern in verschiedenen kulturellen und nationalen Kontexten beeinflussen. Die Vortragenden verfolgen in ihrer Forschung verschiedene epistemische und theoretische Ansätze und Fragestellungen. Ein gemeinsames Thema der Vorträge ist, wie die Hoffnungen, Aspirationen, Überzeugungen und Wahrnehmungen von Kindern zu ungleichen Bildungschancen beitragen und ihre zukünftigen Lebenschancen prägen. Darüber hinaus fragen die Vortragenden, wie elterliche Strategien, Ressourcen und Familienpraktiken zu Ungleichheiten im Zugang zu Bildung und den Dispositionen von Kindern beitragen. Zu den behandelten Themen gehören die Erfahrungen von Kindern, die an unterschiedlichen Orten aufwachsen, die Vorstellungen von Kindern zu Status und Klasse sowie die Zukunftsvorstellungen von Kindern und deren transnationale Bildungsbiografien.
Die Veranstaltungsreihe wird durch das Zentrum für Kindheits- und Jugendforschung (ZKJF) organisiert.
Lehrende: Prof. Dr. Frederick de Moll; Frau Jessika Dirks
The winter school "Democracy and Education" aims to show how education can play a central role in shaping tomorrow's society. Participants will discover and compare the meanings and practices of education in democracies and under authoritarian regimes, the principles and actions of citizenship education, the ways in which pupils and university students can become more active citizens, the role of education in developing more critical thinking, school strategies against disinformation and fake news, youth activism and political engagement.
The winter school is a compact course that includes lectures on specific topics in the field, self-organised group and individual work, and playful learning activities. International guest lecturers will be invited for theoretical and pedagogical presentations in the field of education.
Lehrende: Frau Cristina Popescu
The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education has grown quickly, especially since ChatGPT was released in November 2022. As AI introduces new challenges and opportunities in teaching and learning, it’s important for students, teachers and education professionals to understand its impact on their work and classrooms.
In this course, we will clarify what AI is, how it works, and the different types of AI. We will focus on generative AI and introduce key terms like algorithms, prompts, and bias. We will compare various AI tools, such as Gemini, Copilot, ChatGPT, or Perplexity, with traditional search engines like Google.
We will also discuss ethical issues, including user data safety, intellectual property, and the effects on face-to-face learning. We will cover more complex topics like neocolonialism, environmental impact, digital extractivism, and potential discrimination in AI systems. We will examine the myths and realities of AI and discuss its place in current educational contexts.
Practical uses of AI will be a key part of the course. We will explore how AI can help teachers and education professionals create engaging activities, design learning scenarios, personalise experiences, promote inclusive practices, and rethink formative and summative assessment methods. Participants will gain hands-on experience with AI tools, learn to create suitable prompts, and design learning assistants. Finally, we will examine AI’s limitations, such as hallucinations, errors and challenges in finding trustworthy information, which will contribute to participants’ improved digital literacy.
Lehrende: Frau Cristina Popescu
This international workshop is about preparing student teachers for entering the profession in inclusive and heterogeneous settings. Together with lecturers, teachers and students from Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Cyprus and Baden-Württemberg, we will work on the topic using various methods. A central component of the workshop is also the exchange and networking with fellow students and experts from abroad. A preliminary discussion and intensive follow-up complete the workshop programme.
Lehrende: Frau Ann-Christin Faix; Frau Prof. Dr. Annette Textor; Frau Melana Kalpakidou
Im Rahmen der "Summer School: Digital Childhoods" fanden sowohl ein Workshop in Zusammenarbeit mit der University of West Attica zum Thema "European Perspectives on Maker Education and Digital Storytelling for Inclusion" als auch ein Guest Talk mit thematischem Bezug zum digitalen Lernen im estnischen Bildungssystem statt.
Lehrende: Frau Dr. Cristina Popescu
The course reflects on the quality of teaching and learning materials regarding their inclusivity. Are learning materials inclusive? Why or why not? What makes a material inclusive? We approach these questions making use of international comparative research methods and through group dialogue, discussions and presentations.
Lehrende: Frau Marlene Pieper
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