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  • Summer Schools

    Photo: Frederik Schröer

Summer Academy on the Entangled Histories of Concepts in the Bengal to Balkans Complex

Orient Institute Istanbul, 4-15 September 2023

In cooperation with Orient Institut Beirut, Max Weber Stiftung Delhi, Freie University, University of Oslo, Sweedish Research Institute in Istanbul, Institut Français d'Études Anatoliennes, American Research Institute in Turkey

Convenors: Margrit Pernau, Alp Eren Topal (contact person), Florian Zemmin, Einar Wigen, Christoph Neumann, Sebastian Schwecke, Esther Woswinckel, Jens Hanssen

Introduction to Conceptual History. 17th Summer School on the History of Concepts

University of Helsinki, 14-25 August 2023

In cooperation with the Centre for Nordic Studies & Political History and the ECPR Standing Group “Political Concepts”

Convenors: Jani Marjanen, Johan Strang

Historical Semantics of Revolution. 6th Concepta Iberoamerica Summer School in Conceptual History

(in Spanish)

El Colegio de México, Mexico City, 24 July – 4 August 2023

In cooperation with Centro de Estudios Históricos-El Colegio de México, Centro de Historia Intelectual-Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Iberconceptos, Concepta. International Research School in Conceptual History and Political Thought, Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas-UNAM, Universidad del País Vasco, Universidad de São Paulo, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Universidad de Chile, Comité Mexicano de Ciencias Históricas, Universidad Iberoamericana


  • Martin J. Burke (City University of New York)
  • Elisa Cárdenas Ayala (Universidad de Guadalajara)
  • Saurabh Dube (El Colegio de México)
  • Gabriel Entin (CONICET-CHI-UNQ/UdeCh)
  • Luis Fernández Torres (Universidad de La Rioja)
  • Claudio Lomnitz (Universidad de Columbia)
  • Rodrigo Moreno (UNAM)
  • Jorge Myers (CONICET-CHI-UNQ)
  • Francisco Ortega (Universidad Nacional de Colombia)
  • João Paulo Pimenta (Universidad de São Paulo)
  • Rafael Rojas (El Colegio de México)
  • Eugenia Roldán Vera (Cinvestav)
  • Pablo Sánchez León (Universidad Nova de Lisboa)
  • Erika Pani (El Colegio de México)
  • Adrián Velázquez Ramírez (Investigador independiente)
  • Rebeca Villalobos-Alvarez (UNAM)
  • Liliana Weinberg (UNAM)
  • Pablo Yankelevich (El Colegio de México)
  • Guillermo Zermeño (El Colegio de México)

Introduction to Conceptual History. 16th Summer School on the History of Concepts

University of Helsinki, 15-26 August 2022

In cooperation with the Centre for Nordic Studies & Political History and the ECPR Standing Group “Political Concepts”

Convenors: Jani Marjanen, Johan Strang

Body and Life Between Nature and Politics. 5th Concepta Iberoamerica Summer School in Conceptual History

(in Spanish)

El Colegio de México, Mexico City, 25 July – 5 August 2022

In cooperation with Centro de Estudios Históricos-El Colegio de México, Centro de Historia Intelectual-Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Iberconceptos, Concepta. International Research School in Conceptual History and Political Thought, Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas-UNAM, Universidad del País Vasco, Universidad de São Paulo, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Universidad de Chile, Unir, Comité Mexicano de Ciencias Históricas

Convenor: Gabriel Entin


  • Martin J. Burke (CUNY)
  • Gabriel Entin (CONICET/CHI-UNQ)
  • Gonzalo Capellán de Miguel (Universidad de La Rioja)
  • Elisa Cárdenas Ayala (Universidad de Guadalajara)
  • Guillermo Zermeño (Colmex)
  • Alfredo Ávila (UNAM)
  • Francisco Ortega (UNC)
  • Nicolás Kwiatkowski (CONICET/UNSAM)
  • Rodrigo Moreno (UNAM)
  • Claudio Lomnitz (Columbia University)
  • Rafael Rojas (CIDE)
  • Francisco Quijano (Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas-UNAM)
  • Siobhan F. Guerrero Mc Manus (UNAM)
  • Carlos Marichal (El Colegio de México)
  • Marcos Reguera (Universidad del País Vasco/Universidad de Oregón)
  • Beatriz Rojas (Instituto Mora)
  • Pablo Yankelevich (El Colegio de México)
  • Francisco Ortega (UNC)
  • Elías Palti (UBA/CHI-UNQ/CONICET)

Introduction to Conceptual History. 15th Summer School on the History of Concepts

(Online Crash Course Edition)

University of Helsinki, 30 August – 3 September 2021

In cooperation with the Centre for Nordic Studies at the University of Helsinki and the ECPR Standing Group “Political Concepts”

Convenors: Jani Marjanen, Johan Strang

Iberoamerica in Global Perspective. 4th Concepta Iberoamerica Summer School in Conceptual History

(in Spanish)

El Colegio de México, Mexico City, 15 – 26 August 2019

In cooperation with Centro de Estudios Históricos-El Colegio de México, Centro de Historia Intelectual-Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Iberconceptos, Concepta. International Research School in Conceptual History and Political Thought, Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas-UNAM, Universidad del País Vasco, Universidad de São Paulo, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Università di Torino, Comité Mexicano de Ciencias Históricas

Convenor: Gabriel Entin


  • Alfredo Ávila (Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas-UNAM)
  • Ishita Banerjee (El Colegio de México)
  • Roberto Breña (El Colegio de México)
  • Martin J. Burke (City University of New York)
  • Gabriela Cano (El Colegio de México)
  • Elisa Cárdenas Ayala (Universidad de Guadalajara)
  • Jaime Cuadriello (Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas-UNAM)
  • Saurabh Dube (El Colegio de México)
  • Gabriel Entin (CONICET/CHI-UNQ)
  • Javier Fernández Sebastián (Universidad del País Vasco)
  • Noemí Goldman (Universidad de Buenos Aires-CONICET)
  • Claudio Lomnitz (Columbia University)
  • Carlos Marichal (El Colegio de México)
  • Francisco Ortega (Universidad Nacional de Colombia)
  • Erika Pani (El Colegio de México)
  • Alexandra Pita (Universidad de Colima)
  • Francisco Quijano (Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas-UNAM)
  • Rafael Rojas (CIDE)
  • Mauricio Tenorio (University of Chicago)
  • Pablo Yankelevich (El Colegio de México)
  • Guillermo Zermeño (El Colegio de México)

Introduction to Conceptual History. 15th Summer School on the History of Concepts

University of Helsinki, 12-23 August 2019

In cooperation with the Centre for Nordic Studies & Political History and the ECPR Standing Group “Political Concepts”

Convenors: Jani Marjanen, Johan Strang

Introduction to Conceptual History. 13th Summer School on the History of Concepts

University of Helsinki, 7-23 August 2018

In cooperation with the Centre for Nordic Studies at the University of Helsinki and the ECPR Standing Group “Political Concepts”

Convenors: Jani Marjanen, Johan Strang

Times of Crisis, Chaos and Political Transformation. 3rd Concepta Iberoamerica Summer School in Conceptual History

(in Spanish)

El Colegio de México, Mexico City, 30 July – 10 August 2018

In cooperation with Centro de Estudios Históricos-El Colegio de México, Centro de Historia Intelectual-Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Iberconceptos, Concepta. International Research School in Conceptual History and Political Thought, Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas-UNAM, Universidad del País Vasco, Universidad de São Paulo, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Università di Torino, Unir, Comité Mexicano de Ciencias Históricas

Convenor: Gabriel Entin


  • Martin J. Burke (CUNY)
  • Gabriel Entin (CONICET/CHI-UNQ)
  • Guillermo Zermeño (Colmex)
  • Joao Paulo Pimenta (USP)
  • Alfredo Ávila (UNAM)
  • Francisco Ortega (UNC)
  • Gonzalo Capellán de Miguel (Universidad de La Rioja)
  • Darío Roldán (Universidad Torcuato Di Tella/CONICET)
  • Elías Palti (UBA/CHI-UNQ/CONICET)
  • Eugenia Roldán (CINVESTAV)
  • Claudio Lomnitz (Columbia University)
  • Aurelia Valero (UDIR-UNAM)
  • Francisco Quijano (UNAM)
  • Rafael Rojas (CIDE)
  • Ishita Banerjee (Colmex)
  • Jesús de Prado Plumed (UNAM)
  • Alfredo Ávila (UNAM)
  • Gonzalo Capellán de Miguel (Universidad de La Rioja)
  • Francisco Ortega (UNC)
  • Elías Palti (UBA/CHI-UNQ/CONICET)
  • Darío Roldán (Universidad Torcuato Di Tella/CONICET)
  • Erika Pani (Colmex)

Introduction to Conceptual History. 12th Summer School on the History of Concepts

University of Helsinki, 8-18 August 2017

In cooperation with the Centre for Nordic Studies at the University of Helsinki and the ECPR Standing Group “Political Concepts”

Convenors: Jani Marjanen, Johan Strang

Concepts in Movement – Ibero-America 16th-20th Centuries. 2nd Concepta Iberoamerica Summer School in Conceptual History

(in Spanish)

El Colegio de México, Mexico City, 24 July – 4 August 2017

In cooperation with Centro de Estudios Históricos-El Colegio de México, Centro de Historia Intelectual-Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Iberconceptos, Concepta. International Research School in Conceptual History and Political Thought, Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas-UNAM, Universidad del País Vasco, Universidad de São Paulo, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Università di Torino, Comité Mexicano de Ciencias Históricas

Convenor: Gabriel Entin


  • Javier Fernández Sebastián (UPV)
  • João Paulo Pimenta (USP)
  • Jorge Myers (CONICET/CHI-UNQ)
  • Martin J. Burke (CUNY)
  • Alfredo Ávila (UNAM)
  • Federica Morelli (Univ. De Turín)
  • Gabriel Entin (CONICET/CHI-UNQ)
  • Capucine Boidin (Institut des Hautes Études de l´Amérique Latine)
  • Jesús de Prado Plumed (UNAM)
  • Adrián Velázquez Ramírez (UNSAM-CONICET)
  • Elisa Cárdenas Ayala (Universidad de Guadalajara)
  • Claudio Lomnitz (Columbia University)
  • Rafael Rojas (CIDE)
  • Alfredo Ávila (UNAM)
  • Elisa Cárdenas (UDG)
  • Federica Morelli (Univ. De Turín)
  • Jorge Myers (CONICET/CHI-UNQ)
  • Joao Paulo Pimenta (USP)

Introduction to Conceptual History. 11th Summer School on the History of Concepts

University of Helsinki, 8-19 August 2016

In cooperation with the Centre for Nordic Studies at the University of Helsinki and the ECPR Standing Group “Political Concepts”

Convenors: Jani Marjanen, Johan Strang

Iberoamerican Modernities. 1st Concepta Iberoamerica Summer School in Conceptual History

(in Spanish)

El Colegio de México, Mexico City, 25 July – 5 August 2016

In cooperation with Centro de Estudios Históricos-El Colegio de México, Centro de Historia Intelectual-Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Iberconceptos, Concepta. International Research School in Conceptual History and Political Thought, Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas-UNAM, Universidad del País Vasco, Universidad de São Paulo

Convenor: Gabriel Entin


  • Javier Fernández Sebastián (UPV)
  • Elías Palti (CONICET-UBA)
  • Guillermo Zermeño (Colmex)
  • Joao Paulo Pimenta (USP)
  • Alfredo Ávila (UNAM)
  • Federica Morelli (Univ. De Turín)
  • Francisco Ortega (UNC)
  • Gabriel Entin (CONICET)
  • Martin J. Burke (CUNY)
  • Carlos Marichal (Colmex)
  • Elisa Cárdenas Ayala (Universidad de Guadalajara)
  • Alberto Fragio (UAM)
  • Jesús de Prado Plumed (UNAM)
  • Erika Pani (Colmex)
  • Alfredo Ávila (UNAM)
  • Javier Fernández Sebastián (UPV)
  • Guillermo Zermeño (Colmex)
  • Gabriel Entin (CONICET)
  • Joao Paulo Pimenta (USP)
  • Francisco Ortega (UNC)
  • Federica Morelli (Univ. De Turín)
  • Rodrigo Moreno Gutiérrez (UNAM)
  • Alejandro Araujo (UAM)

Introduction to Conceptual History. 10th Summer School on the History of Concepts

University of Copenhagen, 10-21 August 2015

In cooperation with the Dept. of Culture and Global Studies, Aalborg University; The Saxo Institute, University of Copenhagen; the Dept. of History, University of Southern Denmark; the Graduate School of Arts, Aarhus University; the PhD School of Culture, Language and Philosphy at CUID, RUC

Convenor: Niklas Olsen

Introduction to Conceptual History. 9th Summer School on the History of Concepts

University of Aarhus, 12–23 August 2013

In cooperation with the Dept. of Culture and Global Studies, Aalborg University, The Saxo Institute, University of Copenhagen, the Dept. of History, University of Southern Denmark, and the Graduate School of Arts, Aarhus University

Convenor: Jan Ifversen

Introduction to Conceptual History. 8th Summer School on the History of Concepts

University of Helsinki, 8-23 August 2012

In cooperation with the Centre for Nordic Studies

Convenors: Henrik Stenius and Jani Marjanen

Introduction to Conceptual History. 7th Summer School on the History of Concepts

University of Helsinki, August 2011

In cooperation with the Centre for Nordic Studies

Convenors: Henrik Stenius and Sami Syrjämäki

Introduction to Conceptual History. 6th Summer School on the History of Concepts

University of Helsinki, 3-19 August 2010

In cooperation with the Centre for Nordic Studies (University of Helsinki), POLITU, Finnish Political Science Doctoral School, Centre of Excellence in Political Thought and Conceptual Change, University of Jyväskylä, Danish Research School for History

Convenors: Henrik Stenius and Sami Syrjämäki

Introduction to Conceptual History. 5th Summer School on the History of Concepts

University of Helsinki, August 2009

In cooperation with the Centre for Nordic Studies

Convenors: Henrik Stenius and Sami Syrjämäki

Introduction to Conceptual History. 4th Summer School on the History of Concepts

University of Helsinki, August 2008

In cooperation with the Centre for Nordic Studies

Convenors: Henrik Stenius and Sami Syrjämäki

Introduction to Conceptual History. 3rd Summer School on the History of Concepts

University of Helsinki, August 2007

Organized by the Centre for Nordic Studies (University of Helsinki), Centre of Excellence in Political Thought and Conceptual Change (University of Jyväskylä), Danish Research School for History, POLITU – Finnish Political Science Doctoral School and Helsinki Summer School

Convenors: Henrik Stenius

Introduction to Conceptual History. 2nd Summer School on the History of Concepts

University of Helsinki, August 2006

Organized by the Centre for Nordic Studies and Helsinki Summer School

Convenor: Henrik Stenius

Introduction to Conceptual History. 1st Summer School on the History of Concepts

University of Helsinki, 16-31 August 2005

Organized by the Centre for Nordic Studies and Helsinki Summer School

Convenor: Henrik Stenius

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