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© Universität Bielefeld

German-Italian Double Degree Programme History – Global Cultures

Study structure

The special feature of the study programme is its binational orientation: students complete part of their studies, which generally last four semesters (two years), at both universities. Another key feature of the German-Italian study programme GloC is that Germans and Italians complete parts of their studies together at both universities.

German students begin their Master's programme in the first semester at Bielefeld University. The joint study programme is supplemented by intensive courses in the language of the partner country as well as practical preparatory courses. After the first semester, the students transfer to Bologna University for one academic year (two semesters) and finally return to Bielefeld University for the fourth semester, where they complete their studies with a Master's degree. The Italian students spend the first academic year in Bologna and complete the second at Bielefeld University.

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