Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin und Doktorandin
Universität Bielefeld
Fakultät für Psychologie und Sportwissenschaft
Abteilung für Psychologie
Postfach 10 01 31
D-33501 Bielefeld
Montag (online): 13:00 - 15:00 Uhr
Dienstag (vor Ort): 14:00 - 16:00 Uhr
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Linda Katharina Linke
Linke, L., & Horstmann, G. (2024). New task-new results? How the gaze cone is influenced by the method of measurement. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.3758/s13414-024-02884-9
Linke, L., & Horstmann, G. (2024). Differences in the perception of direct gaze between the externally and internally rotated eye. Perception, 53(2), 93–109. https://doi.org/10.1177/03010066231212156
Horstmann, G., & Linke, L. (2023). Are the directions of both eyes integrated before or after the perception of direct gaze? Evidence from simulated mild strabismus. Perception, 52(10), 712–725. https://doi.org/10.1177/03010066231194216
Linke, L. & Hostmann, G. (2022). How vergence influences the perception of being looked at. Perception, 51(11), 789–803. https://doi.org/10.1177/03010066221122359
Horstmann, G. & Linke, L. (2022). Perception of direct gaze in a video-conference setting: the effects of position and size. Cognitive research: principles and implications, 7(1), 67. https://doi.org/10.1186/s41235-022-00418-1
Horstmann, G. & Linke, L. (2021). Examining Gaze Cone Shape and Size. Perception, 50(12), 1056–1065. https://doi.org/10.1177/03010066211059930