Universität Bielefeld
Fakultät für Psychologie und Sportwissenschaft
Abteilung für Psychologie
Postfach 10 01 31
D-33501 Bielefeld
Arbeitseinheit: 05-Sozialpsychologie
Raum: T5-234
Lehre: Lehre
Telefon: ++49 (0)521 106-4456
Sprechstunde: nur nach Vereinbarung
Weiss, A., & Forstmann, M. (2025). Outsourcing corruption: The role of fate beliefs and motivated fate attributions in delegating decisions about corrupt behavior. European Journal of Social Psychology. [OSF] [PDF]
Weiss, A., & Forstmann, M. (2024). Religiosity predicts the delegation of decisions between moral and self-serving immoral outcomes. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Article 104605. [OSF][PDF]
Weiss, A., Burgmer, P., & Hofmann, W. (2022). The experience of trust in everyday life. Current Opinion in Psychology, 44, 245-251.
Weiss, A., & Burgmer, P. (2021). Other-serving double standards: People show moral hypercrisy in close relationships. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 38(11), 3198-3218. [OSF] [PDF]
Weiss, A., Forstmann, M., & Burgmer, P. (2021). Moralizing mental states: The role of trait self-control and control perceptions. Cognition, 214, Article 104662. [OSF] [PDF]
Weiss, A., Dorrough, A.R., & Schmitz, L. (2021). Analytic atheism in a low-religiosity culture: Examining the relationship between analytic thinking and religious belief in Germany. Personality and Individual Differences, 178, Article 110854. [OSF] [PDF]
Burgmer, P., Weiss, A., & Ohmann, K. (2021). I don't feel ya: How narcissism shapes empathy. Self and Identity, 20(2), 199-215.
Weiss, A., Michels, C., Burgmer, P., Mussweiler, T., Ockenfels, A., & Hofmann, W. (2021). Trust in everyday life. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 121(1), 95–114. [OSF] [PDF]
Irlenbusch, B., Mussweiler, T., Saxler, D. J., Shalvi, S., & Weiss, A. (2020). Similarity increases collaborative cheating. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 178, 148-173.
Weiss, A., Burgmer, P., & Lange, J. (2020). Surprise me! On the impact of unexpected benefits on other-praising gratitude expressions. Cognition and Emotion, 34(8), 1608-1620. [OSF] [PDF]
Frau Dr. Weiss, was ist überhaupt Vertrauen? | By Lisa Hofmann | Junge Presse Journal | Online-Magazin | Ausgabe 01/2022 | Junge Presse Niedersachsen
Vertrauen – Instinkt oder lebenslange Übung? | By Johanne Burkhardt | April 27, 2022 | SWR2 Wissen
Vertrauen und Misstrauen | By Alexa Weiss & Michael Wenzler | März 2022 | Zentrum Gesellschaftliche Verantwortung (ZGV) | Perspektiefe 56
Forscher*innen untersuchen, unter welchen Umständen Narzissmus zu weniger verzerrten moralischen Entscheidungen führen kann | By Eric W. Dolan | April 8, 2021 | PsyPost