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Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy

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Englisch-sprachiges Angebot  - Schulung Narrative Expositionstherapie (NET)

Der nächste NET-Kurs findet vom 06.09 - 07.09.2024 (in englisch) statt. Hier finden Sie den Flyer für den nächsten Kurs. Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Anmeldung per Anmeldeformular.

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© Universität Bielefeld

The Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy working group at Bielefeld University is chaired by Frank Neuner and Claudia Catani and includes young academics and therapists at different stages of their career. We provide a comprehensive education in Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy for students in the BSc and MSc courses in Psychology, postgraduate education, the supervision of PhD students as well as continuing education in psychotherapy.

Our facilities include a psychophysiological lab including a multi-channel EEG and an outpatient clinic for psychotherapy (directed by Hanna Kley). Our research focuses on the causes and consequences of traumatic events such as child maltreatment and war violence.

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