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  • Department of Psychology

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The German-African Network for Preventing Violence against Children

Team Uganda

Dr. Joseph Ssenyonga

Picture of Joseph Ssenyonga
@ Univeristät Bielefeld

Senior Lecturer

Mailing address
Department of Educational Foundations and Psychology, Faculty of Science, Mbarara University of Science and Technology, P. O. Box 1410, Mbarara-Uganda.




2019 - today Senior Lecturer, Mbarara University of Science and Technology (Uganda)
2016-2019 Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Psychology, Universität Konstanz (Germany)

Senior Lecturer, Mbarara University of Science and Technology (Uganda)


Lecturer, Mbarara University of Science and Technology (Uganda)

2006 Clinical Psychologist/Administrator, African Centre for the Treatment and     Rehabilitation of Torture Victims (Uganda)


2016 Georg Forster Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, Universität Konstanz, Germany
2013 Postdoctoral Studies, University of Oldenburg, Germany
2013 Doctor of Philosophy, Clinical Psychology, Mbarara University of Science and Technology
2006 Master of Science in Clinical Psychology, Makerere University.
2005 Diploma in Guidance and Counseling, Kyambogo University.
2001 Bachelor of Arts (Social Sciences), Makerere University.

Awards and Honors




Alexander von Humboldt Return Fellowship


Alexander von Humboldt Postdoctoral Fellowship, Universität Konstanz


DAAD fellowship, Carl von Ossietzky Universität, Oldenburg


IMMIS fellowship, Carl von Ossietzky Universität, Oldenburg

2008 DAAD scholarship for PhD studies at Mbarara University
2002 African Development Bank scholarship for Msc studies at Makerere University

Ford Foundation Summer school award, Uongozi Institute, Tanzania

  • Prevalence and drivers  of violence against children at home and education settings.
  • Consequences of violence among children
  • Prevention of violence in schools

Charles Magoba Muwonge, PhD

Picture of Charles Magoba Muwonge
@ Univeristät Bielefeld


Mailing address
Department of Educational Foundations and Psychology, Faculty of Science, P. O. Box 1410, Mbarara Uganda




2014 - today

Lecturer, Mbarara University of Science and Technology (Uganda)

2010-2014 Teaching Assistant, Mbarara University of Science and Technology (Uganda)

Ph.D., Mbarara University of Science and Technology (Uganda)


Master of Education (Educational Psychology), Mbarara University of Science and Technology (Uganda)


Bachelor of Science with Education (Biology & Chemistry),   Mbarara University of Science and Technology (Uganda)

  • Individual and societal consequences of violence
  • Psychological well-being of various risk populations
  • Impacts of traumatic events on mental health of children
  • Randomized controlled treatment studies using theInteraction Competencies with Children (ICC) intervention among school-going children in developing countries
  • Motivational aspects of learning
  • Hunt, T., Simms, V., Cahoon, A., & Muwonge, C. M. (2021). Socio-cognitive-affective   barriers to mathematics education in developing nations. Chapter in the Springer book  Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Quality Education ;
  • Ekatushabe, M., Kwarikunda, D., Muwonge, C. M., Ssenyonga, J., & Schiefele, U. (2021). Relations between perceived teacher’s autonomy support, cognitive appraisals and boredom in physics among lower secondary school students. International Journal of STEM Education.
  • Kwarikunda, D., Schiefele, U., Ssenyonga, J., & Muwonge, C. M. (2020). The relationship between motivation for, and interest in, learning Physics among Lower secondary school students in Uganda. African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education. Advance online copy, 1 – 11,
  • Muwonge, C. M., Ssenyonga, J., & Kibedi, H., & Schiefele, U. (2020). Use of learning strategies among Teacher Education students: A latent profile analysis. Social Sciences and Humanities Open, 2(1), 1-8.
  • Ssenyonga, J., Muwonge, C. M., & Hecker, T. (2019). Prevalence of family violence and mental health and their relation to peer victimization: A representative study of adolescent students in Southwestern Uganda. Child Abuse & Neglect, 98,
  • Muwonge, C. M., Schiefele, U., Ssenyonga, J., & Kibedi, H. (2018). Modeling the relationship between motivational beliefs, cognitive learning strategies, and academic performance of Undergraduate teacher education students. South African Journal of Psychology. Advance online copy, 1 – 14,
  • Muwonge, C. M., Ssenyonga, J., & Kwarikunda, D. (2018). Cognitive appraisals, achievement emotions, and motivation towards learning Mathematics among lower secondary students. African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education. Advance online copy, 1 – 11,
  • Muwonge, C. M., Schiefele, U., Ssenyonga, J., & Kibedi, H. (2017). Determinants of persistence among science teacher-trainees: Examining the role of self-efficacy, task value, and academic hope. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 26, 522-548.
  • Muwonge, C. M., Schiefele, U., Ssenyonga, J., & Kibedi, H. (2017). Self-regulated learning among teacher education students: Motivation beliefs influence on the use of metacognition. Journal of Psychology in Africa, 27, 515–521,
  • Muwonge, C. M. & Ssenyonga, J. (2015). Factors and challenges affecting the performance of student-teachers during their practicum. Journal of Education, Psychology and Social Sciences, 3, 44 – 49.
  • Muwonge, C. M. & Ssenyonga, J. (2015). Academic performance, causal attributions and hope to complete studies among Undergraduate students. Journal of Education, Psychology and Social Sciences, 3, 50 – 56.

Team Ghana

Amoah Kwaku Karikari

Picture of Amoah Kwaku Karikari
@ Univeristät Bielefeld

Assistant Registrar, Institutional Advancement, Presbyterian University, College, Ghana (PUCG)



University of Cape Coast (UCC)

  • M. Phil Development Studies 
    • Rural Development

University of Ghana; Legon (UG)

  • B.A (Hons) Political Science /History 



2017 - today Assistant Registrar, Institutional Advancement; Presbyterian University College, Ghana
2013-2017 Programmes Coordinator, Development Gateway International
2011-2012 Project Coordinator, Bibiani Anhwiaso Bekwai District Development Project; World University Service of Canada (WUSC)

Capacity Building and Grants Support Officer, Strengthening Transparency, Accountability, and Responsiveness in Ghana; Coffey International

2009-2011 District Facilitator, Quality Improvement in Primary Schools (QUIPS); AED/USAID

Community Mobilisatoin Advisor (Girls Education) Jirapa Lambusie, Upper West Region;World University Service of Canada (WUSC)

2003-2005 District Facilitator, Safe Schools Programme (SSP); DevTech Inc.
2001-2003 District Facilitator, Strategies for Advancing Girls Education (SAGE); AED/USAID
  • Violence against girls
  • The church and child protection in Ghana
  • Community participation in Child Protection issues


Team Tanzania

Dr. Mabula George Nkuba

Picture of Mabula George Nkuba
@ Univeristät Bielefeld


Mailing address
Dar es salaam University College of Education(DUCE), A constituent College of the University of Dar es Salaam. P.O.Box 2329, Dar es salaam- Tanzania.




2018 - today

Lecturer in Education and Psychology,
Dar es Salaam University College of Education

2009-2017 Asst. Lecturer, Dar es Salaam University College of Education.

Tutorial Assistant, Dar es Salaam University College of Education.





Doctor of natural science (Psychology), Universität Konstanz, Germany


Master of Arts in Applied Social Psychology (M.A-ASP.), University of Dar es Salaam


Bachelor of Science with Education (BSc-Ed), University of Dar es Salaam

  • Vivo International
  • Tanzania Psychological Association (TAPA)
  • Catholic Professionals of Tanzania (CPT)
  •  KAAD scholar

Dr. Nkuba's research interest includes parenting psychology, child violence protection as well  as chilldren's mental health as linked to school achievement. For the previous years, He spent his time investigating the prevalence and factors associated with child violence in Tanzanian families, schools and alternative care setting such as orphanages. In collaboration with other researchers from the University of Konstanz, University of Bielefeld in Germany and Mbarara University of Science and Technology in Uganda, he developed, implemented and evaluated a child violence prevention intervention approach for teachers "Interaction competence with children for teachers,ICC-T" relevat for managing discipline without tears among students in Tanzanian school context. He then participated in testing a violence prevention model "Interaction competence with children for Care givers (ICC-C)" in Tanzania in 2018 to year 2020. He is currently leading a team to test the feasibility of a new model "Interaction competence with children for Parents (ICC-P) in Tanzania. Dr. Nkuba's emphasis is on the use of effective and non-violent discipline strategies in managing children's misbehaviours both in homes and schools. His emphasize have been more on the use of positive attention and active ignoring as opposed to violent discipline strategies, permissible parenting and child neglect.

Google scholar

Publication list

  • Masath, F. B., Hermenau, K., Nkuba, M., & Hecker, T.(2020). Reducing violent
  • discipline by teachers using Interaction Competencies with Children for      Teachers        (ICC-T): Study protocol for a matched cluster randomized controlled            trial in   Tanzanian public primary schools. Trials, 21, 4. doi: 10.1186/s13063-019-3828-z [IF: 2.067]
  • Goessman, K.,Hermenau, K., Nkuba, M., Ssenyonga, J., & Hecker, H. (2020). Sexual      violence among youth in two East African countries: Perpetrators, contributing       factors, and mental health associations. Child Abuse & Neglect.
  • Nkuba, M., Hermenau, K. & Hecker, T. (2019). The association of maltreatment and Socially deviant behaviors – Findings from a national study with adolescent students and their     parents. Mental Health & Prevention, 13(2019), pp. 159-168.
  • Ssenyonga, J., Hermenau, K., Nkuba, M., & Hecker, T. (2019). Stress and positive attitudes towards violent discipline are associated with school violence by Ugandan teachers.Child Abuse & Neglect 93 (1) 15–26.
  • Nkuba, M., Hermenau, K., Goessmann, K. & Hecker, T. (2018). Reducing violence by      teachers using the preventive intervention Interaction Competencies with Children for          Teachers (ICC-T): A cluster randomized controlled trial at secondary schools in   Tanzania.PLOS ONE, 13(8), e0201362. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0201362 [IF:      2.766]
  • Ssenyonga, J., Hermenau, K., Nkuba, M., & Hecker, T. (2018). Reducing violence against children by implementing the preventive intervention Interaction Competencies with           Children for Teachers (ICC-T): Study protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial      in Southwestern Uganda. Trials, 19, 435. doi: 10.1186/s13063-018-2827-9 [IF: 2.067]
  • Nkuba, M., Hermenau, K., Goessman, K. & Hecker, T. (2018). Mental health problems and their association to violence and maltreatment in a nationally representative         sample of Tanzanian secondary school students.Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric  Epidemiology.pp.1- 9.
  • Hecker, T., Goessman, K., Nkuba, M. & Hermenau, K. (2018). Teachers’ stress intensifies violent          disciplining in Tanzanian secondary schools. Child Abuse & Neglect, 76(1),          pp. 173-183.
  • Nkuba, M., Hermenau, K. & Hecker, T. (2018). Violence and maltreatment in Tanzanian families – Findings from a nationally representative sample of secondary school students and     their parents. Child Abuse & Neglect, 77(1), pp. 110-120. 
  • Kaltenbach, E., Hermenau, K., Nkuba, M.,Goessmann, K. & Hecker, T. (2018). Improving interaction competencies with children - A pilot feasibility study to reduce school           corporal punishment. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment and Trauma, 27 (1), 35-           53. doi: 10.1080/10926771.2017.1357060 [IF 0.698]
  • Nkuba, M & Kyaruzi, E. (2015). Is it Not Now?:School Counselors’ Training in Tanzania Secondary Schools . Journal of Education and Practice, 6(19), pp. 160-169.
  • Nkuba, M & Gissa, M. (2014). Is Teaching Practice Exercise for Grading or Improvement? Examining    Students Teachers’ Perception and Experience at the University of Dar es salaam: African Educational Research Journal, 2 (1), pp. 1-11.
  • Nkuba ,M & Bilinga, M. (2014). Teaching Sexuality Education in Primary Schools in Tanzania: Challenges and Implications. Journal of Education and Practice, 5(27), pp. 21-30.

Dr. Margesi Manyonyi Machumu

Picture of Margesi Manyonyi, Machumu’
@ Univeristät Bielefeld


Mailing adress
Dar es salaam University College of Education(DUCE), A constituent College of the University of Dar es Salaam. P.O.Box 2329, Dar es salaam- Tanzania.




2021 - today Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Department of Psychology, Bielefeld University (Germany)
2014 - today

Lecturer  at the Department of Educational Psychology and Curriculum Studies, Dar es Salaam University College of Education (Tanzania)

Awards and Honors




Awarded scholarship in March 2018 to attend an International Comparative Education (CIES) conference held in Mexico City (Mexico) and presented a paper titled Doing Development from afar: transnational stakeholders’ perspectives on creating curriculum for Tanzanian primary schools

Awarded scholarship in March 2018 to attend a conference on ECD at Michigan State University (USA) and gave a public lecture titled Playing to Learn: Integrating Development and Research in Rural Tanzania

2017 Awarded scholarship in May 2017 to attend a training workshop on ECE curriculum development and implementation at Warwick University in the UK
2016 Awarded scholarship in September 2016 to attend a conference in Michigan State University in USA
Awarded scholarship for a workshop training on capacity building course for teacher educators at the University of Western Cape in South Africa
2009 Awarded PhD in Education scholarship
2004 Awarded Master of Arts in Applied Social Psychology Scholarship
  • Maltreatment in young children and its effects
  • Linking play and learning
  • Early grade reading

Dr. Faustine Bwire Masath

Picture of Faustine Bwire Masath
@ Univeristät Bielefeld

Research Associate/ Assistant Lecturer





2011 - today

Assistant Lecturer in Educational Psychology at the University of Dar es Salaam (DUCE-Campus) (Tanzania)
2018-2022 PhD/ Research Associate at University of Bielefeld (Department of Psychology) - Topic: Prevention of violence in school settings
2009 - 2011

Tutorial Assistant  in Psychology at the University of Dar es Salaam (DUCE-Campus) (Tanzania)

Awards and Honours



DAAD Scholarship award for Ph.D. studies in Psychology at Bielefeld University


Ministry of Education and Vocational Training Scholarship to pursue a Master Degree at the University of Dar es Salaam


Vice Chancellor’s Prize for Best First Year Student in the Faculty of Education




Masters of Arts in Applied Social Psychology at the University of Dar es Salaam


Bachelor of Education in Psychology at the University of Dar es Salaam

  • Violence and maltreatment in children and adolescents
  • Mental health of victims of maltreatment and abuse
  • Developmental psychology
  • Education and teaching career development
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