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  • Department of Psychology

    Campus der Universität Bielefeld
    © Universität Bielefeld



For B.Sc. Psychology

WS 22/23: -

For M.Sc. Psychology

WS 22/23: Prävention psychischer Störungen

SS 23: Global Mental Health - transdiagnostische & niederschwellige Interventionen als Lösung?



Theses for Bachelor and Master students

Our research primarily focuses on the study of the consequences and prevention of violence and maltreatment of children and adolescents. We study the consequences of maltreatment at very different levels, e.g., clinical symptom level, behavioral level, cognitive level, and biological and molecular level (e.g., cortisol, epigenetics). A core part of the research is the international and global perspective on trauma, violence, and maltreatment in childhood and adolescence.

Beyond that we are involved in many different projects, which descriptions you can find on our website.

We are looking forward to hearing from you. Just contact us via e-mail tobias.hecker@uni-bielefeld.de.

Note. Due to our international collaboration with other research groups, we have a requirement to write your thesis in english.


  • Sexual violence among Adolescents in East-Africa: Association to other forms of maltreatment and mental health
  • Prevalence and consequences of teachers' violence against secondary school students in Uganda - The relation between mental health, maltreatment and the students' attitudes towards violent disciplining
  • Überprüfung der Gütekriterien eines Fragebogens zur Bewertung hundegestützter Therapie im geschlossenen psychiatrischen Entzug und Untersuchung möglicher Wirkfaktoren
  • Further Investigations on the Clinical Picture of Continuous Traumatic Stress in an East African Refugee Camp Sample
  • Welche Auswirkungen haben posttraumatische Belastungssymptome auf die kognitiven Fähigkeiten von Kindern?
  • The Effect of Current Maltreatment Upon Cognitive and School Performance Considering Mental Health of Institutionalized Orphans in Tanzania
  • Maltreatment of Caregivers among Orphans and Vulnerable Children in Institutional Care – Contributing Factors on Structural and Individual Levels
  • The association between cumulative exposure to different types of potentially traumatizing events and parent-child attachment quality among refugees living in Tanzanian refugee camps
  • Improving care and preventing maltreatment in orphanages: One-year follow-up of the preventive intervention ‘Interaction Competencies with Children – for Caregivers (ICC-C)’
  • School Violence and Children’s Social Status: Influences of Mental Health Problems in a Sample of Tanzanian Primary School Children
  • “Contributing factors to teachers’ use of violent discipline in Tanzanian primary schools: the associations of stress, attitudes and own experiences of violence in childhood with physical and emotional violence”
  • Improving care and preventing maltreatment of orphans: A cluster-randomized controlled study to evaluate the effectiveness of the preventative intervention “Interaction Competencies with Children – for Caregivers (ICC-C)”
  • The impact of attachment in the association of parental and child mental health - Investigations in a Burundian random sample in Tanzanian refugee camps
  • Reducing violence against children in secondary schools in Uganda – Testing the effectiveness of the intervention ‘Interaction Competencies with Children for Teachers’ (ICC-T)
  • Reducing violent discipline by teachers in Tanzanian public primary schools using Interaction Competencies with Children for Teachers (ICC-T)
  • Risk Factors for Child Maltreatment in the Context of East-African Refugee Families
  • Transmission of attitudes towards violence among children in orphanages: considering violence exposure in their family of origin, by caregivers, and their fellow orphans and the mediating role of communicative processes
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