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10.07.2024 - “Global Labor Migration. New Directions”. Lecture by Heidi Gottfried

As part of the Lecture Series of the DFG Research Training Group “Cross-Border Labor Markets: Transnational market makers, infrastructures, institutions” (RTG2951), Prof. Heidi Gottfried (Wayne State University, Detroit) gives a lecture based on her recent publication on “Global Labor Migration. New Directions” (2022, University of Illinois Press) The lecture will take place on July 15, 2024, 14:00 in the Horst-Schimanski-Saal, Centre for Global Cooperation Research, Schifferstraße 44, University Duisburg-Essen. All interested parties are warmly invited. Prof. Heidi Gottfried is a professor of sociology at Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan, with a research focus on labour movements, gender and migration studies. As the author and editor of six books and special issues with a recent focus on the political economy of care migration and theorizing scales in transnational research, her work brings important theoretical, methodological and empirical expertise to the research programme. She is a founding member of the Global Labor Migration Network based at the University of Maryland and co-editor with Eileen Boris, Julie Greene and Joo-Cheong Tham of the research volume Global Labor Migration (2022, University of Illinois Press).

10.07.2024 - Interview with Ursula Mense-Petermann: “Labour markets are social structures”

From secondments to platform and gig work to daily commuting: cross-border labor markets are a very multifaceted phenomenon. In an interview with Christina Petrick-Löhr from Personalwirtschaft, Prof. Ursula Mense-Petermann, talks about the diversity and complexity of cross border labour markets and what it means to see them not only as empirical phenomena but as social structures with own patterns, rules and regulations. She explains, how this approach is taken up by a group of international researchers in the recently established Research Training Group on ”Cross-border Labour Markets”, hosted by Bielefeld University and University Duisburg-Essen.

25.06.2024 - Vortrag von Alexandra Scheele: "Care-Arbeit: Unsichtbar und unbezahlt? Zum Zusammenhang von Arbeits- und Geschlechterverhältnissen"

Alexandra Scheele hält im Rahmen des 12. Bielefelder Fachtags Philosophie am 29. Juni 2024 an der Universität Bielefeld einen Vortrag zum Thema "Care-Arbeit: Unsichtbar und unbezahlt? Zum Zusammenhang von Arbeits- und Geschlechterverhältnissen". Weitere Informationen sind hier zu finden: https://aktuell.uni-bielefeld.de/event/12-bielefelder-fachtag-philosophie-thema-arbeit/

06.05.2024 - Group of international researchers met for the Kick-Off Retreat of the Research Training Group "Cross-Border Labour Markets" (RTG 2951)

From April 25 to April 26 a group of 20 researchers from all world regions met for the Kick-Off Retreat of the DFG- funded Research Training Group “Cross-Border Labour Markets” in Schwelm. The involved Principal Investigators presented their theoretical perspectives on cross-border labour markets at the interface of economic sociology, migration studies and economic labour market research. Doctoral and postdoctoral researchers, funded by the RTG or associated to it, presented their research projects on the cross border labour markets of performers, physicians, Au Pairs, Russian Anti-war refugees, just to name a few. The projects focus on migration agencies, brokers, legal institutions, and migrant networks as institutions and infrastructures enabling and stabilizing cross-border labour markets. This Research Training Group is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) for a period of five years.

11.04.2024 - Official Inauguration of DFG-funded Research Training Group on "Cross-Border Labour Markets" RTG 2951

On April 8, the newly established Research Training Group "Cross-Border Labour Markets: transnational market makers, infrastructures, institutions" RTG 2951 was officially inaugurated with a Launch Event at Bielefeld University. Speaker Ursula Mense-Petermann (Professor of Economic Sociology and Sociology of Work, Bielefeld University) and Co-speaker Karen Shire (Professor of Comparative Sociology and Japanese Society, University Duisburg-Essen) welcomed the 11 Principal Investigators from Bielefeld University, University Duisburg-Essen, and University Osnabrück, as well as the group of 11 newly appointed doctoral researchers, one Postdoc, as well as two associated researchers to the Research Training Group.

The Research Training Group investigates cross-border labour markets and the transnational organizations, infrastructures, and institutions that facilitate and stabilize such labour markets extending beyond national boundaries.

The rector of Bielefeld University, Professor Angelika Epple, congratulated the international  and interdisciplinary team of PIs for their success and praised their commitment and determination in this highly innovative project.

Keynotes were given by sociologist and migration scholar Ludger Pries (Ruhr University Bochum) and by labour market economist Michele Battisti (University of Glasgow), thus representing the interdisciplinary outlook of the RTG.

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