- Click here to download the Call for Papers -
For the interdisciplinary ENHANCE conference on “Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Neuroenhancement: Current Developments and Impact on the Individual and Society”, we invite contributions from a variety of disciplines, including sociology, psychology, psychiatry, neuroscience, philosophy, bioethics, medicine, law, and political science, that address any of the following questions:
- What is currently possible with neurotechnology concerning cognitive enhancement (CE) purposes and which developments can be expected in the (near) future?
- What are the associated ethical, legal, and social issues of using/refusing neurotechnology for cognitive enhancement?
- Which empirical evidence underlines the extent of these issues (e.g., studies on prevalence, causes and consequences of cognitions and emotions on such neurotechnology, and of the respective use/non-use on the individual and society)?
- How should a possible prevention of detrimental individual and societal consequences of neurotechnology use/non-use or regulations and legal norms reflect this (e.g., how to deal with the uncertainties of neurotechnology, including counselling users, training people [building literacy], advertising techs, and media representation)?