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Research Training Group World Politics RTG 2225

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Campus der Universität Bielefeld
© Jakob Braun / Unsplash

Forthcoming Events

Summer Term 2024

09.07.2024, 18h c.t.,


Bettina Mahlert (Innsbruck) and Heikki Patomäki (Helsinki): Universalism and Cosmopolitanism in World Politics, organised by Institute for World Society Studies & RTG World Politics Guest Lecturer

11.06.2024, 18h c.t.,


Roundtable UTOPIC – Understanding the transformation of World Politics, with members of the ZiF Resident Group "Understanding the Transformation of World Politics: Ordering Principles and Infrastructures of Communication", organised by Institute for World Society Studies & RTG World Politics Roundtable

06.06.2024,16h c.t.,


James Omolo (Kenya): Against the odds. Life of African migrant wirkers in Europe, organised by RTG World Politics Book Launch

05.06.2024, 16h c.t.,


Laura Morosanu (co-authored with Monica Serban, Research Institute for Quality of life): "Then" and "Now" Romanian Returnees Contemplating Future Migration, organised by RTG World Politics Guest Lecture

14.05.2024 18h c.t.,


Jiwei Ci (Hong Kong): Democratization Today: Theoretical and China-Specific Reflections, organised by Institute for World Society Studies & RTG World Politics Guest Lecture

07.05.2024, 18h c.t.,


Jan Busse (Munich): Reflection on a Global  Historical Sociology of Political Order: The Complex Entanglement of Micro-Practices and Macro Structures?, organised by Institute for World Society Studies & RTG World Politics

Guest Lecture

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