The ProMent Center offers the opportunity to combine both technical and tactical skills on sport performance in various sporting disciplines using an individual mental performance profile. Scientifically proven test batteries or methods originating from developments in high-performance sports with national and international diagnosis of cognitive memory structures are used.
This empirical investigation focuses on both technical and tactical skills in soccer, golf and other types of sport. For this purpose, some basic action concepts of the cognitive memory structure are recorded (e.g., using the structural dimensional motor analysis) as well as eye tracking and reaction time measurement). The range of diagnostic methods is complemented by other mental questionnaires regarding characteristics (e.g., anxiety, stress, decision making etc).
Furthermore, the ProMent Center offers intervention programs specifically tailored to the aforementioned techniques. These techniques precisely help identify the strengths and weaknesses of the athletes to improve their sport performance as well as implement individual goals and strategies effectively.
Based on these achievements, the ProMent Center follows various projects and co-operations in which these techniques are realized and introduced in different sports.
Im Rahmen der Umgestaltungsmaßnahmen des Geländes rund um den Johannisberg auf dem Bielefelder Teutoburgerwald wurde im Frühjahr 2015 ein Fitness- und Bewegungsparcours errichtet.
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Westfalen-Blatt (06/2016) | Der ruhende Blick des Golfers |
Sonntagszeitung (04/2011) | Bewegen mit Köpfchen |
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