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  • RESEARCH GROUP Biomathematik und Theoretische Bioinformatik

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Biomathematics and Theoretical Bioinformatics

Our group, led by Ellen Baake, establishes a bridge between bioinformatics and mathematics. Our main area of research is the mathematical theory of biological evolution, in particular population genetics. We seek to understand the dynamics of genes in populations under the joint influence of mutation, selection, recombination and genetic drift. The tools we use come from probability theory (branching processes, interactive particle systems, large deviations) as well as from the theory of dynamical systems.

(In-)official Group Logo

Research Affilitations

  • Logo SFB1283
    Taming uncertainty and profiting from randomness and low regularity in analysis, stochastics and their applications
  • Logo SPP Priority Programme 1590 (PSE)
    SPP Priority Programme 1590 Probabilistic Structures in Evolution
  • Bildk Korngrenze
    Research Center for Mathematical Modeling RCM²
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