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Meisam Booshehri

Meisam Booshehri is a PhD researcher in the Semantic Computing Group at the Bielefeld University.  His main research interests include ontologies, semantic web and Explainable AI. Before joining the Semantic Computing Group in Bielefeld, he worked as a scientific employee at the University of Rostock, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg (OVGU) and Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg. His research topic in Rostock was ontology learning from text and Linked Data. Moreover, he was a teaching assistant in several courses at the University of Rostock, including scalable computing and operating systems. At OVGU, he worked on the research project SzenarienDB (Database for climate and energy scenarios: research of scenarios and schowcase extension of the Open Energy Database). In this project, he contributed to the development of the Open Energy Ontology, an ontology that unifies terminology in the energy system modelling domain and that is developed in a large team of experts. At the Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, he continued his research in the field of upper level ontologies and made himself more acquainted with the topic of formal ontologies. Meisam Booshehri has originally a software engineering background and received his Bachelor’s degree and Master’s degree in the field of Software engineering.

Meisam Booshehri

CITEC 2-313


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