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Biele­feld In­sti­tute for Bioin­for­mat­ics In­fra­struc­ture

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Al­liance with ZB MED

Pow­er­ful Al­liance for the Life Sci­ences

Portraitfoto von Prof. Dr. Dietrich Rebholz-Schuhmann, Scientific director of ZB MED © ZB MED
Prof. Dr. Di­et­rich Rebholz-​Schuhmann, Sci­en­tific di­rec­tor of ZB MED © ZB MED

The In­for­ma­tion Cen­tre for Life Sci­ences (ZB MED) in Cologne fol­lows a long tra­di­tion of li­cens­ing and de­liv­er­ing sci­en­tific jour­nal ar­ti­cles and schol­arly books to re­searchers in Med­i­cine, agri­cul­tural sci­ences (sub­sidiary lo­cated at the Uni­ver­sity of Bonn) and life sci­ences in gen­eral. The trans­for­ma­tion of the sci­en­tific jour­nals to­wards dig­i­tal and open ac­cess pub­li­ca­tions and in the same way in re­cent years for schol­arly books have changed the com­mu­nity in­volve­ment of ZB MED and is lead­ing to a port­fo­lio of ser­vices that sup­port dig­i­tal de­liv­ery of con­tent. These de­vel­op­ments are well aligned with the col­lec­tion and de­liv­ery of dig­i­tal data from the sci­en­tific com­mu­nity to the sci­en­tific com­mu­nity, which re­quires an IT In­fra­struc­ture and forms the next gen­er­a­tion of in­for­ma­tion de­liv­ery.

The Biele­feld In­sti­tute for Bioin­for­mat­ics In­fra­struc­ture (BIBI) and ZB MED in Cologne form a strate­gic al­liance, since both in­sti­tutes de­liver IT ser­vices into the sci­en­tific com­mu­nity in the life sci­ences and pro­vide com­ple­men­tary so­lu­tions that com­plete each other’s port­fo­lio of so­lu­tions. Whereas ZB MED is fo­cused on the de­liv­ery of con­tent, BIBI ad­vances cloud-​based an­a­lyt­i­cal so­lu­tions for the life sci­ences that can make ef­fi­cient use of the con­tent avail­able at ZB MED. Both make use of large-​scale IT in­fra­struc­ture, how­ever ZB MED en­riches its con­tent with se­man­tics tech­nolo­gies whereas BIBI analy­ses large sets of OMICS data, e.g., for bio­med­ical re­search.


The alliance of ZB MED (orange level) and BIBI (blue level) introduces numerous new services or extends existing services (grey level) by linking content, data science, cloud computing, and extending the target groups. In this way, ZB MED and BIBI jointly compaign for open science in the life sciences.
The al­liance of ZB MED (or­ange level) and BIBI (blue level) in­tro­duces nu­mer­ous new ser­vices or ex­tends ex­ist­ing ser­vices (grey level) by link­ing con­tent, data sci­ence, cloud com­put­ing, and ex­tend­ing the tar­get groups. In this way, ZB MED and BIBI jointly com­paign for open sci­ence in the life sci­ences. © ZB MED

Re­searchers from BIBI and ZB MED are well es­tab­lished in the life sci­ence re­search com­mu­nity, in bioin­for­mat­ics as well as med­ical in­for­mat­ics and agri­cul­tural re­search.

Sci­en­tif­i­cally they can cover the full range of com­puter sci­ence, bioin­for­mat­ics, med­ical in­for­mat­ics, se­man­tics tech­nolo­gies, e.g., gen­er­a­tion and use of ter­mi­nolo­gies and on­tolo­gies, and ma­chine learn­ing (in­clud­ing deep learn­ing and AI). To­gether they pro­vide so­lu­tions that cover the com­plete re­search life cycle of life sci­ence re­search: a unique com­bi­na­tion of lit­er­a­ture and in­for­ma­tion sup­ply in­clud­ing com­pu­ta­tional analy­sis of big data. This en­ables new sci­en­tific in­sights for re­searchers of all life sci­ence dis­ci­plines as well as bioin­for­mat­ics.

BIBI in­tro­duces mod­ern in­fra­struc­tures and ad­di­tional bioin­for­mat­ics ex­per­tise into the broad reper­toire of ZB MED. The strate­gic al­liance of ZB MED and BIBI im­ple­ments nu­mer­ous new ser­vices: bioin­for­mat­ics com­pute so­lu­tions, cloud com­put­ing, data sci­ence train­ing, and the grad­u­ate school “Dig­i­tal In­fra­struc­ture for the Life Sci­ences” (DILS).


Key El­e­ments of the Strate­gic Al­liance

  • Oc­to­ber 2018: Co­op­er­a­tion agree­ment of ZB MED and Biele­feld Uni­ver­sity on joint de­vel­op­ment of in­for­ma­tion ser­vices for the life sci­ences
  • Au­gust 2019: Foun­da­tion of the grad­u­ate school „Dig­i­tal In­fra­struc­ture for the Life Sci­ences“ (DILS) at BIBI in co­op­er­a­tion with ZB MED
  • Since 2019: Host­ing joint sci­en­tific work­shops
  • 2020: De­vel­op­ing a joint strat­egy:
    "ZB MED/BIBI 2020-​2025: Sup­port­ing hu­mans and en­vi­ron­ment by re­search and in­fra­struc­ture"
  • Since 2020: Joint su­per­vi­sion of the first doc­toral stu­dents at the grad­u­ate school DILS
  • 2021: First DILS re­treat with PhD stu­dents and fac­ulty mem­bers from both in­sti­tu­tions

Overview Man­u­scripts

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