Julie Stearns | 30.06.2025 | 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM | online
How can I make an impact in professional contexts such as small-talk situations at conferences? What can help me in situations where I face an international crowd and how can I connect to an interdisciplinary audience?
The workshop Make an impact! offers the opportunity to enhance overall effective communication (verbal and non-verbal) in order to enhance and improve networking and self-promotion opportunities.
Throughout the workshop, participants will be guided through interactive exercises to improve their body language, as well as focus on the quality of their language content and structure of their ideas. The aim is to develop strategies to make a lasting and positive impact on groups, colleagues, and significant contact persons (networking). Trainer input will provide the opportunity to gain new insights in effective communication and learn how to present themselves more effectively and to make the best impression and strongest impact.