Patricia Meyer | 24.- 25.11.2025 | 09:00 a.m. - 17:00 p.m. | Presence
As universities globally continue to professionalize, project work becomes increasingly widespread in higher education. However, a formal, systematic project management qualification is rarely part of the curriculum during studies and dissertation.
The workshop will cover all phases of a typical project, from setting the goals to project closure and will base the exercises, which the participants will run through, on case studies chosen from the world of higher education. Peer coaching and an active exchange about potential experiences of participants on their respective live projects form a vital part of the workshop.
This workshop is intended to provide participants working in all fields in higher education with the most important methods and practices necessary to successfully and professionally initiate, plan, implement and run projects within and outside of higher education.
After the workshop participants...
... will be familiar with essential project management methods and tools and you will be able to apply them to your project to allow you to run it successfully.
... will know and understand the four phases of the project life-cycle and you will be able to explain what is important to consider in each phase.
... will have been introduced to the basics of agile project management methods as opposed to traditional project management and they can apply those agile methods to their project.
... will have been introduced to some helpful digital tools.
The workshop is designed as a practice- and dialogue-based training, with inputs, group work / group exercises in Breakouts, reflection and discussions / peer coaching & exchange.
1. Initiating the project
2. Planning the project
3. Running the project
4. Closing the project