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Fortbildungen für Forschende und Lehrende

© Universität Bielefeld

Online Workshop:

All the world’s a stage: How to write and give more effective conference presentations

Dr. Vera Leberecht | June 17th 2025 | 10:00 a.m. (s.t.) - 04:30 p.m. | Zoom-Link: t.b.a.

In the scientific world, you don’t just have to be able to write papers about your research results. You are expected to present your research on all kinds of stages, from small-scale feedback sessions and colloquia to huge international conferences. In this workshop, we use writing to develop an engaging research story and to appear on stage with more confidence and standing.

At the end of the day, you have:

  • put your research on the market — in writing;
  • defined features of professional presentations in your field of research;
  • practiced giving unprepared and prepared informal and formal presentations, and charing conference sessions;
  • given and received constructive, productive feedback;
  • planned some steps on the way to your next conference presentation.


Dr. Vera Leberecht (Maastricht/NL) studied Linguistics, Intercultural Communication and Theology in Germany and Finland. She worked at Maastricht University Language Centre for several years before starting her own training and consulting business in 2008. She is enthusiastic about empowering professionals to communicate with reason and resonance, in academia and beyond.

This workshop addresses:

Doctoral and other early-career researchers who have a conference coming up

Maximum number of participants: 15

Registration by: June, 1st 2025.

Anke Schayen

+49 (0)521 / 106-3367


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