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Fortbildungen für Forschende und Lehrende

© Universität Bielefeld

Online writing Workshop:

Let’s begin: Writing research proposals

Dr. Vera Leberecht | March 17th 2025 | 10:00 a.m. (s.t.) - 16:30 p.m. | Zoom-Link: t.b.a.

Writing an effective PhD proposal is an important first step on the road to becoming a professional academic writer. Yet, many underestimate the time and effort it takes to write a successful proposal.

A proposal helps you get a clearer idea of your research interests and focus, of previous research and how you want to organise your project. It is the basis for finding and collaborating with a supervisor and can be used to apply for a scholarship or other funding.

In this workshop, you define more clearly what you want to do in your doctoral research. Supported by peer feedback, you can develop your ideas further. You have time to formulate, or revise your drafts so you can share your ideas and goals with others in a more coherent, concise and convincing proposal.

At the end of the day, you have:

  • defined and discussed the elements of successful proposals;
  • worked with various methods to organise your ideas and to conceptualise your research;
  • received constructive peer feedback;
  • refined your ideas, concepts, and/or texts.


This workshop adresses:

Students who consider doing a PhD, and early-stage doctoral researchers


Registration possible until March 03rd, 2025.



Dr. Vera Leberecht (Maastricht/NL) studied Linguistics, Intercultural Communication and Theology in Germany and Finland. She worked at Maastricht University Language Centre for several years before starting her own training and consulting business in 2008. She is enthusiastic about empowering professionals to communicate with reason and resonance, in academia and beyond.

Anke Schayen

+49 (0)521 / 106-3367


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