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Stefanie Schäfer

+49 (0)521 / 106-87766



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Thesis defence training

Alexander Roggenkamp

11.09.- 12.09.25 | 09:00 am - 16:00 pm | online


The last big milestone in a PhD is the oral defence of the dissertation, which brings particular challenges in communication. This workshop is aimed at doctorial candidates, who want to engage in intensive preparation for their disputation. Based on the individual experiences of the participants, presentation techniques and five defence strategies are discussed in the workshop. The PhD candidates actively implement these strategies in the most important part of the workshop - the disputation simulations. Each candidate will present his/her research in five minutes and answer questions by their colleagues. If required, managing stage fright and nervousness can also be addressed.


  • You will get an overview what to expect for your thesis defence.
  • You know typical questions which may occur in your thesis defence.
  • You get an individual feedback concerning your rhetorical performance.
  • You train to show your scientific expertise in an appropriate way.
  • You can implement different communicative strategies that allow you to react to difficult questions in a calm and professional way.
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