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Competence Center for Research Data
+49 521 106-3967
Bldg. X, F1-​220

Introduction to Research Data Management


03. + 04.04.2025 | 12:00 – 15:30 | online | in English

11.09.2025 | 09:15 – 15:15 | online | in German


Research data is produced at great expense and is therefore one of the most valuable assets of scientific institutions. It is good scientific practice to make research data freely accessible and available in the long term as a transparent basis for scientific statements.

Research data management (RDM) encompasses the organisation and administration of data that may arise during a research process. For example, this includes the documentation of research work, analysis, storage and long-term archiving of data. The aim is to ensure the quality of the data and thus facilitate potential reuse. A further aim is to fulfil the requirements of funding institutions with regard to the open availability of research data.

  • Motivation for research data management; What is research data? What is Open Science?
  • Requirements of funding institutions and scientific journals (e.g. data disclosure policies)
  • Legal aspects of data publication: handling personal, trustworthy and sensitive data (data protection, licensing)
  • What do I have to do to publish my data? How do I get a DOI for my research data?
  • Data management plan: planning and consideration of research data management right from the start of research work, content-related assistance and tools
  • Aspects of long-term archiving

Further Information

Target group

The seminar is aimed at researchers and teaching staff who would like to find out about the quality-conscious handling of research data and the research data services offered by Bielefeld University.

Maximum number of participants: 20

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