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    Campus der Universität Bielefeld
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Current status of application procedure

Appointment offer to the first-placed candidate (01.03.2024)

The Faculty of Mathematics of Bielefeld University invites applications for a

Juniorprofessorship (W1) of Mathematics

starting as soon as possible.

We are looking for a candidate who

  • shows great potential for outstanding research,
  • is recognized in at least one of the following fields: Analysis, Partial Differential Equations, Numerics, or Stochastics,
  • will strengthen SFB 1283 "Taming Uncertainty and profiting from randomness and low regularity in analysis, stochastic and their applications" with their research and who will contribute as a subproject leader to a third funding period,
  • contributes to the Faculty’s portfolio of research, teaching, and academic administration,
  • is open for research collaborations with scientists from the Faculty of Mathematics and other Faculties of Bielefeld University.

Formal requirements for appointments are detailed in paragraph 36 of the "Hochschulgesetz" of the state of North-Rhine Westfalia. (https://recht.nrw.de/lmi/owa/br_text_anzeigen?v_id=10000000000000000654)

The initial appointment will be for three years. An extension for further three years is possible in case of a positive evaluation. German language skills are not initially required. Willingness to learn German is expected.

Applications from suitably qualified disabled people are explicitly encouraged.

Bielefeld University has received a number of awards for its achievements in the provision of equal opportunity and has been recognized as a family friendly University. The University welcomes applications by women. This is particularly true in the academic field. Applications are handled according to the provisions of the state’s equal opportunity statutes (Landesgleichstellungsgesetz). Family times will be considered in the context of the selection decision.

Bielefeld University supports dual-career constellations in designing a common focus of work and life.

The submission deadline for applications is July 25, 2023.

Applications should include a curriculum vitae, a 2-page research and teaching concept and a publication list with three outstanding publications highlighted. They can be submitted by e-mail (optionally PGP-encrypted: PGP-key: https://www.math.uni-bielefeld.de/~bewerbung/pubkey.asc;
Finger print: 064A 9B7A 8197 8140 FA77 EF11 74F4 5886 3D4E 426E) to:


or by regular mail to:

Bielefeld University
Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics
P.O. Box 100131
D-33501 Bielefeld

Contact person for enquiries:
Prof. Dr. Matthias Erbar, Faculty of Mathematics,

Applicants are asked not to send in original documents, as these cannot be returned.

Please note that risks to confidentiality and unauthorized access by third parties cannot be ruled out when communicating via unencrypted e-mail. Information on the processing of personal data can be found here


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