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  • Fortbildungen für Forschende und Lehrende

    © Universität Bielefeld


Goal in sight — organise the final phase of your PhD

Dr. Vera Leberecht | November 7th 2024 | 10:00 a.m. (s.t.) - 05:00 p.m. | Zoom-Link: t.b.a.

This workshop is directed at doctoral researchers who plan to submit their dissertation within the next year.

Throughout your dissertation process, your topic and focus have probably shifted, your research aims and scopes have changed. Duties keep piling up and demand more work and energy than planned. At the same time, results need to be put on paper, and more and more text needs to be revised and polished.

In this workshop, you can look back at what you have already achieved, and see how to realistically tackle the remaining tasks.


  • taking inventory: what has worked well so far, and what could I improve in the final phase?
  • strategies to manage research, writing, and finishing a PhD project
  • activating my resources and working collaboratively to get to the finish line



Dr. Vera Leberecht (Maastricht/NL) studied Linguistics, Intercultural Communication and Theology in Germany and Finland. She worked at Maastricht University Language Centre for several years before starting her own training and consulting business in 2008. She is enthusiastic about empowering professionals to communicate with reason and resonance, in academia and beyond


Anke Schayen

+49 (0)521 / 106-3367


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