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    Campus der Universität Bielefeld
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Transnationale Einflüsse, migrantische Identitäten und Gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt - Transnational Influences on Migrant Identities and Social Cohesion


TranMIGZ examines how Turkish postmigrants in Germany position themselves against the influences of the German state’s integration and the Turkish government’s diasporic policies. We argue that the double influx of host and home states lures Turkish postmigrants into an identity trap subjecting their in-between position to exploitation in transnational negotiations. As their own perspective is poorly addressed in literature, this study fills this gap by reference to postmigrants’ standpoint. We hypothesize that the positioning of Turkish postmigrants in Germany is reflected through identity expressions and priority of belongings. We carry out an exploratory assessment with three work packages. Study 1 decodes the Turkish postmigrant figure addressed by both states. Major media outlets most attended by postmigrants is focused to display the imagined figure. Study 2 informs the trajectory of the Turkish national identity narrative across important milestones over the migration chronology. A structured archival study unearths the discursive mutations through political leaders’ speeches. Finally, Study 3 exclusively confers postmigrants’ viewpoints against both influences. The project consults a conceptual framework in terms of diaspora generating, diaspora shaping, collective nostalgia, and social cohesion to expand on understanding how Turkish postmigrants express their identities and prioritize their belongings across their in- between existence.


  • Dr. Yasemin Gülsüm Acar (Dundee University - Department of Psychology)
  • Dr. Yudit Namer (University of Twente - Department of Psychology, Health, & technology)
  • Prof. Dr. Andreas Zick (Leitung - Bielefeld)
  • Dr. Aydin Bayad (Bielefeld)
  • Dr. N. Ekrem Düzen (Bielefeld)
  • Dr. Elif Sandal Önal (Bielefeld)
  • Dr. Meral Gezici Yalcin (Bielefeld)

Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)

Dr. Aydın Bayad (Bielefeld) -

  • Jonas Uphoff
  • Lale Can
  • Lütfiye Çiftçi
  • Merve Bebek
  • Adalet Çavdar
  • Elif Saki

Bayad, A., Sandal-Önal, E., & Düzen, N. E. (in press). Emergence and aftermath of proactive transnational politics in Turkey: A case study on ethnoreligious diasporic communities. New Perspectives in Turkey Studies.

Bayad, A., Sandal-Önal, E., & Düzen, N. E. (2022). How Diaspora Policies of Turkey are Reflected in the Media: A Content Analysis. TransMIGZ Working Paper Series No. 01, Transnational Conflicts, Belongings, and Social Interactions-Focus: Turkish Postmigrants. Available at:

Düzen, N. E., Sandal-Önal, E., & Bayad, A. (2022). Almanya ile Türkiye arasında Türklük ithalat-ihracatı: Sahipli ve sahipsiz milliyetçilikler [Turkishness import-export between Germany and Turkey: Claimed and unclaimed nationalisms]. Birikim Dergisi, 398– 399, 177–185.

Sandal-Önal, E., Bayad, A., Zick, A., & Düzen, N. E. (2022). Transnational influences on migrant identities and social cohesion: A study protocol. Genealogy, 6(1), 9. 10.3390/genealogy6010009

Sandal-Önal, E., Bayad, A., & Düzen, N. E. (2020). Cross-border transmission of Turkey’s ethnoreligious-nationalist ideology. Paper presented in the First German Political Psychology Meeting, January 17-18, Hagen; Germany.'s_Ethnoreligious-_nationalist_Ideology

Sandal-Önal, E., Acar, Y. G., Bayad, A., Gezici Yalçın, M., & Düzen, N. E. (2023, March 9-10). How identity entrepreneurs made Turkish postmigrants Turkish diaspora? Home-state’s influence over the relationships between the majority and postmigrants [Presentation]. 4th Meeting of German Political Psychology Network, Bielefeld, Germany.

Bayad, A., Sandal-Önal, E., & Düzen, N. E. (2023, February 8). Conflicting vocabularies: How home- and host-state media address Turkish postmigrants [Workshop]. Vocabularies of Migration: Reflexive Perspectives on Interdisciplinarity, Translation and Language in Migration Research. Justus-Liebig-University Giessen - Chair of Cultural Sociology & GCSC ETRG Migration and Decoloniality.

Sandal-Önal, E., Bayad, A., & Düzen, N. E. (2022, October 7). You All Belong here: Influences of Home-State Transnational Politics on Diaspora’s Identity and Belonging [Summer School]. Research Center for Religion and Education (RCRE) / Forschungszentrum für Religion und Bildung (FZRB) - Forschungsnetzwerk Diaspora Studies & Profillinie LIBERTY, Friedrich-Schiller-University, Jena, Germany.

Bayad, A., Sandal-Önal, E., Düzen, N. E., Acar, Y. G., & Zick, A. (2022, July 14-17). When home speaks to diaspora: How Turkish national identity is communicated transnationally? [Presentation]. 45th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology, Athens, Greece.

Bayad, A., Sandal-Önal, E., Düzen, N. E., & Zick, A. (2022, March 10-11). To whom do they speak? Addressing Turkish postmigrants by home- and host-state media [Presentation]. 3rd Meeting of the Political Psychology Network Germany.

Sandal-Önal, E., Bayad, A., & Düzen, N. E. (2021, July 11-13). Migrants in between: How Turkish post-migrants are portrayed and addressed by home-and host-state media? Preliminary findings from an ongoing study [Presentation]. 44th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology.

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