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  • I²SoS-Colloquium

    © Universität Bielefeld


Summer Term 2024

The Interdisciplinary Colloquium on Science Studies takes place each Tuesday from 16:15 to 17:45 in room X-E0-218 and over Zoom.

The intended format is to have live events with remote access. Should a speaker be giving their talk only via Zoom, this will be indicated by the prefix “Zoom only”.



Meeting ID: 698 9480 7136
Passcode: 505400


The language of the title indicates the language of the talk. You are warmly invited to take part. We would be delighted to welcome you to the colloquium.

Dr. Arianna Borrelli, Prof. Dr. Marie Kaiser, Prof. Dr. Holger Straßheim

Date Presenter Title
16.04. Nora Hangel (Hannover) Normative social epistemology
23.04. Rolf Lidskog (Örebro University) Environmental expertise for social transformation: meaning, roles, and expectations
30.04. Andrey Lovakov (DZHW) The structure of science and the trajectories of its
development in the post-Soviet countries
07.05. Rudolf seising (TUM/Deutsches
When Artificial Intelligence arrived in West Germany
and how it became established
14.05. Michele Luchetti (Bielefeld) Staging medicine: performativity and knowledge in
medical research, education, and practice
21.05. Guido Prieto (Bielefeld) &
Alejandro Fábregas-Tejeda
Not models but model carriers: A fresh look at model
28.05. Nathalie Bredella (Hannover) Architecture and the genealogies of data-based
11.06. Katharina Paul (Wien) Values and Vaccination (title tba)
18.06. Trym Eiterjord (MPIWG) Science, Politics, and Climate Change in China (title tba)
25.06. Susanne Schmidt (HU Berlin) Probing the Promises of Self-Control:
The Marshmallow Test, Race, and Social Science,
02.07. Frank Meier (SOCIUM Bremen) Valuation and Failure (title tba)
09.07. Tom Medvetz (UC San Diego) Think Tanks and Expertise (title tba)

Previous Colloquia

Date Presenter Title
17.10. 17:00 - 18:30! Londa Schiebinger (Stanford) From the Mind Has No Sex? to Gendered Innovations
31.10. Mikko von Bremen (Bielefeld) Worldviews of Ice: The Role of Arctic Research Funding
07.11. Jacob Stegenga (Cambridge) Fast Science
21.11. Phillip Roth (Aachen) Preprint Culture. Towards the Study of a Communication Format in Late-Modern Science
28.11. Jean-Philippe Martinez (TU Berlin) Exploring virtuality: Lessons from the history of modern physics
05.12. Mathilde Tahar (Lille) Biological Agency as Inventiveness: Rethinking the Role of Non-Human Organisms in Evolution
12.12. Niels Taubert (Bielefeld) How Openness Travels
19.12. Zoom only: Uljana Feest (Hannover) Context-Sensitivity and the Problem of Data in the Behavioral Sciences
09.01. Nora Hangel (Hannover) Normative Social Epistemology Naturalized
16.01. Zoom only: Barbara Prainsack (Wien) Research in a crisis: Lessons from a European study on solidarity
23.01. Sonja Blum (Bielefeld) Expertise, Evidence and Public Policy (preliminary title)
30.01. Nathalie Bredella (Hannover) Architecture and the genealogies of data-based design - POSTPONED TO THE SUMMER TERM 2024
Date Presenter Title
11.04. Émile P. Torres (Hannover) Ethics of Extinction
18.04. Lukas Poppenborg (Bielefeld) Biodiversity and Functional Beauty
25.04. Zoom only: Eva Lövbrand (Linköping) Just Transition and the Politics of Listening
02.05. Zoom only: Alexandre White (Balitmore) Epidemic Orientalism. Race, Capital, and the Governance of Infectious Disease
09.05. Lena Kästner (Bayreuth) Understanding Artificial Intelligent Systems
16.05. Zoom only: Endre Danyi (Frankfurt a.M.) Reclaiming Melancholy
23.05. Amir Teicher (Tel Aviv / Berlin) From Disease Carriers to Super-Spreaders
30.05. Zoom only: Christine Luk (Beijing) The Entangled History of Freshwater Jellyfish Craspedacusta sowerbii in Modern China
06.06. Jonathan Fuller (Pittsburgh) tba
13.06. Dan Liu (München) Ending Epigenesis: Cell and Protoplasm as Developmental Agents in the 19th Century
20.06. Soraya de Chadarevian (Los Angeles) Heredity under the Microscope
27.06. Zoom only: Julie Jebeile (Bern) tba
04.07. Audray Alejandro (London) On Technicisation: Male Circumcision from Social Practice to Transnational Object of Medical Expertise
11.07. Justin Biddle (Atlanta) Organizations and Values in Science and Technology

Selected abstracts

09.05.2023: Lena Kästner - Understanding Artificial Intelligent Systems

Modern artificial intelligence (AI) systems are often complex and opaque. At the same time, they are becoming increasingly prevalent in our lives. As a result, there is an increasing demand to make AI systems explainableand their behaviour intelligible. Recent work primarily approaches this problem by employing specific explainability methods to aid in-context understanding. We think, however, that important desiderata such as safety and reliability might be best satisfied through the increase of expert understanding with respect to how AI systems work. This is joint work with Barnaby Crook.


11.07.2023: Justin Biddle - Organizations and Values in Science and Technology

This presentation articulates a conceptual framework for examining philosophical issues such as the role of values in science at an organizational level. It distinguishes between three dimensions of organizations – organizational aims, organizational structure, and organizational culture – and it examines how these dimensions relate to values in research and development, with a focus on machine learning systems for predictive policing. This framework can be fruitful in identifying interesting and understudied philosophical problems – including those involving inter-organizational divisions of labor – that might otherwise be difficult to conceptualize.

Date Presenter Title
18.10. Mathias Frisch (LU Hannover) Uses and Misuses of Scientific Models in Pandemic
Policy Advice
25.10. Lara Keuck (U. Bielefeld) Validation and Regulation in the Sciences of Health


Anton Killin (U. Bielefeld) Auditory cheesecake
15.11. Daniel R. Friedrich (U. Bielefeld) Medizin - praktische, an der Wissenschaft orientierte Disziplin
22.11. Zoom only: Fabienne Will (Deutsches Museum München) Evidenzpraktiken an der Schnittstelle
von Disziplinen: Die Debatte um das Anthropozän
29.11. Christian Suhm (Krupp-Kolleg Greifswald) nference to the best explanation – revisited and extended in the context of current debates on the scope and limits of science
6.12. Anna Klassen (U. Jena) olitisierung und Entpolitisierung von Wissenschaft - Die
Deutungskämpfe um Gentechnologie in der Bundesrepublik der 70er und 80er Jahre
13.12. Jan Surman (Czech Academy of Sciences Prag) “Images of Science” in Central and
Eastern Europe between the Wars
20.12 Zoom only: Karla Garcia (ISoS, U. Bielefeld) Rights of Nature: Analysis of a Decade of Legal
Trials in Ecuador
10.1. Zoom only: Ruth Müller (TU München) Time as a Judgment Device: How Time
Matters When Reviewers Assess Applicants for ERC Starting and Consolidator
17.1. Paulina Gennermann (U. Bielefeld) Natürlich synthetisch! Die Naturalisierung
nicht-natürlicher Aromastoffe im 20. Jahrhundert am Beispiel Vanillin
24.1. Svenja Holste (U. Bielefeld) 'The Arctic We Know?!' The Production of Arctic
Knowledge and Natural Scientists' Worldviews
31.1. Tahani Nadim (HU Berlin) Ends and Endings in Digitalization
Datum Referent*in Vortragstitel
5.4 Marco Casali (Rome/Paris) Chance as an abstractor in cellular and molecular explanations
12.4 Silke Beck (Leipzig) online Experts as corridor-makers - understanding the role of the IPCC in the emerging climate regime
26.4 Mariko Jacoby (Essen) Disaster Prevention in Japan 1885-1978: Natural Disasters, Scientific Expertise and Global Transfers of Knowledge
3.5 Christian Suhm (Greifswald) Inference to the best explanation - revisited and extended
10.5 Fabian Flink (Wuppertal) Geschichte der Wissenschaftsgeschichte in Deutschland, ca. 1930-1950
17.5 Christian Forstner (Jena) Objektgebundenes Wissen in und zwischen Innovationskulturen
24.5 Julian Jürgenmeyer (Columbia) online Trials of Legitimacy -- Stress Testing and the Politics of Expertise in Banking Regulation
31.5 Caterina Schürch (München) Like cracking a walnut with a sledge hammer“: Die diffizile disziplinenübergreifende Erschließung des Mechanismus der Anthocyan-Synthese, 1928–1938.
7.6 Stefan Böschen (Aachen) online Offensiver Dilettantismus: Wissensproduktion in hybriden Arenen und ihre epistemischen Herausforderungen
14.6 Chiara Lisciandra (Bologna/Munich) Explanatory norms and interdisciplinary collaboration
28.6 Karin Zachmann (München) "Evidenzkritik: Zum Umgang mit Dissens in der Wissensgesellschaft".
5.7 Jan Baedke (Bochum) Conceptual challenges for the return of the organism in biology
12.7 Marlene van den Bos (Bielefeld) Explanation and External Validity of Models
19.10. Mathias Girel (ENS Paris), “The Pragmatics of Ignorance”
26.10. Zoom only: Paolo Mancosu (Berkeley, history and philosophy of mathematics, presently Chaire Pascal Paris), "Paradoxes of infinity: classical problems and recent perspectives"
2.11. Lisa Malich (U. Lübeck), „Von Frauen und Vögeln: Eine historische Epistemologie des Nestbauinstinkts in der Schwangerschaft“
9.11. -
16.11. Nur über Zoom: Alexander Bogner (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften), „Die Epistemisierung des Politischen“
23.11. Zoom Only: James Robert Brown (Philosophy, U. of Toronto), “Mathematical Evidence”
30.11. Davide Vecchi and Gil C. Santos (HPS, U. of Lisbon), “On the nature of phenotype construction: a dispositional account”
7.12. Zoom only: Gil Eyal (Columbia U.), "The Crisis of Expertise"
14.12. Philipp Haueis (Philosophy, Uni BI), “Local climate knowledge and activism, or: how to make philosophy of climate research more practice-based”
21.12. Zoom only: Malte Neuwinger (Sociology, Uni BI), "Global spread of RCTs"
11.1. Zoom only: Jalal Shahinitiran (ISoS, Uni BI), Presentation of Master's Thesis
18.1. Zoom only: Eva Krick (Arena Institut Oslo), “Citizen expertise in democratic governance”
25.1. Mathias Frisch (Philosophy, LUH), “Uses and misuses of scientific models in pandemic policy advice”
1.2. -

Martin Carrier (Uni BI, Philosophie)
Wissenschaftliches Wissen und gesellschaftliche Entscheidung. Zu Wertfreiheit und Pluralität in der wissenschaftlichen Politikberatung


Lukas Engelmann (U. Edinburgh, History and Sociology of Science)
Virus-Imagery: The History of Pandemic Visualization, HIV to Covid


Franz Mauelshagen (Uni BI, Geschichtswissenschaft)
Die Expansion der Technosphäre in der 'Großen Beschleunigung’. Ein Werkstattbericht


Anke Reinhardt (Bonn)
Research Activities of International Organizations


Bettina Bock von Wülfingen (Uni BI, Geschichtswissenschaft)
Zeugung unter dem Mikroskop 1850er bis 1900: Wie die moderne Familie das Problem der Erbschaft löste


Niki Vermeulen (U. Edinburgh, Science, Technology and Innovation Studies)
Architectures for Collaboration


Chrysostomos Mantzavinos (U. of Athens, Philosophy)
Science, Institutions, and Values


Andy Stirling (U. of Sussex, STEPS Centre)
From Politics of Uncertainty to Convulsing Modernity


Simon Groß (Uni BI, Geschichtswissenschaft)
Soziologie in den 50er Jahren: Helmut Schelsky in Hamburg (1948-1960)


Annabelle Littoz-Monnet (U. Genève, Political Science),
Governing through Expertise. The Politics of Bioethics


Constanze Schmidt (Uni BI, Master ISoS)
Downscaling als Teil der Wissensinfrastruktur? Die Nützlichkeit von regionalen Klimadaten am Beispiel des Geologischen Dienstes NRW


Inanna Hamaty-Ataya (U. of Cambridge, Sociology)
Anthropological Epistemology and its Implications for the Philosophy of Science: The Case of Palaeolithic Knowledges


Stephanie Beyer (LU Hannover, Sociology), „Homo Prestigious – Die soziale Konstruktion der US- akademischen Elite“


Wolfang Krohn (U. Bielefeld, Sociology), "Realexperimente und das Problem der Verallgemeinerung des Wissens"


Valerie Wittek (U. Bielefeld, Economics), Technology Transfer between Academia and the Pharmaceutical Industry – Effects of Political Control Mechanisms


Anna Kosmützky (LU Hannover, Sociology), Vergleichsmethodik


Matthias Heymann (U. Aarhus, History), Algorithms, politics and scientific standards: How climate models and climate prediction changed the culture of climate science.


Paloma Schlichting (Uni BI, Philosophy), Public engagement in science – the public is online, can science be too?


Alkistis Elliott-Graves (Uni BI, Philosophy), Understanding Ecological Complexity


Gabriele Gramelsberger (RTWH Aachen),


Alejandro Esguerra (Uni BI), Science-Policy-Society Relations im Kontext von Global Climate Governance


Lisa Regazzoni (Uni BI, History), Geschichtsstoff: Zwei oder drei Dinge, die ich von ihm weiß


Florian Irgmaier (Weizenbaum-Institut Berlin, Sociology), Zurechenbarkeitsverschiebung und Latenzverdacht: Der Plausibilitätsverlust liberaler Normen durch verhaltenswissenschaftliche und digitale Mustererkennung

28.04.2020 Johanna Wagner, Künstliche Intelligenzen als Verantwortungsträger: Warum es nicht ausreicht so zu tun als ob
05.05.2020 Peter Weingart, The many sources of the 'public engagement of science' — rhetoric
19.05.2020 Stefanie Haupt, Überlegungen zu den Merkmalen einer völkischen Wissenschaft am Beispiel der ‚Ortungsforschung und Germanischen Himmelskunde‘
09.06.2020 Minea Gartzlaff & Basel Myhub, First empirical insights into research heuristics in the context of practice
07.07.2020 Julia Engelschalt, Tropicality in Theory and Practice: American: Colonial Medicine and Southern Public Health, 1898-1925
14.07.2020 Alexander Schniedermann (DZHW Berlin), Function, reception and performativity of review literature in science, in the context of the bibliometrics-driven incentive structure
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