DFG Project SmartBrane: joint SANS beam time at the SAM instrument at the ILL (Grenoble, France)
2nd - 5th April
12 years of CRC 985
- Functional Microgels and Microgel Systems -
Team of the DFG project SmartBrane
The article A review of stimuli-responsive polymer-based gating membranes was selected as a 2024 HOT arcticle in PCCP
Back Cover: In article Unusual Shell Morphologies of Responsive Amino Core-Shell Microgels Induced by pH During Shell Synthesis highlight the impact of the reaction pH during the formation of responsive amino core-shell microgels. While very fuzzy shells with particulate structures are formed at acidic or intermediate pH, denser core-shell microgels together with a secondary species are formed at alkaline conditions. The results point out the possibilities and importance of pH-control during synthesis of pH-responsive microgels.
Tim Julian Stank was awarded to the poster prize of the SEPAWA/EDC conference (25. October 2023, Berlin).
Titlepage published in Langmuir:
Growth of Smart Microgels in a Flow Reactor Scrutinized by In-Line SAXS
Titlepage published in Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics:
Effect of Methacrylic Acid in PNNPAM Microgels on the Catalytic Activity of Embedded Palladium Nanoparticles
Professor Dr. Thomas Hellweg was appointed to Editorial Board Member of Colloid und Polymer Science
Since 2014, the European Spallation Source ESS in Lund is under construction. Using a linear accelerator, neutrons will be generated which allow for example the investigation of soft matter structures and the study many new physical processes. In order to analyze the samples with the highest possible efficiency, researchers are developing special sample environments.
In an interview with Welt der Physik, Thomas Hellweg from Bielefeld University explains these special environments and how samples can be studied with neutrons in general.
The academic editors of the journal Polymers have selected the article "Importance of pH in Synthesis of pH-Responsive Cationic Nano- and Microgels" as one of the Editor's Choice Articles and believe that our paper is particularly interesting in the field.
Professor Dr. Thomas Hellweg was appointed to Specialty Chief Editor of Colloids and Emulsions (specialty section of Frontiers in Soft Matter)
New Research field "Smart Microgel based Membranes"
Within the framework of this new research line we have published recently two works.
These works show the high potential of microgel based membranes for different applications e.g. in electrochemical cells or catalytically active systems.
BMBF instrumentation project: “FlexiProb” sample environment for the ESS:
Aim of the project is the development and implementation of dedicated soft matter sample environments for small angel neutron scattering instruments at the ESS. The project is in collaboration with the von Klitzing group at TU Darmstadt and the Müller-Buschbaum group at TU Munich.
In this context, 3 publications were issued in Appl. Sci. 2021, 11(9),:
Part I: The In Situ SANS/DLS Setup: https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3417/11/9/4089
Part II: The GISANS setup:https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3417/11/9/4036
Part III: The macroscopic foam cell: https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3417/11/11/5116
Personal news from Bielefeld University: Professor Dr. Thomas Hellweg was appointed to the Advisory Board of the Laue-Langevin Institute
Thomas Hellweg is appointed as a member of the Editional Board of Polymers.
Feature Article in Langmuir: Nanogels and Microgels: From Model Colloids to Applications, Recent Developments, and Future Trends
Visit of the ESS construction site after the 22nd Science Advisory Committee meeting in Lund.
Form left to right: Thomas Hellweg, Kell Mortensen, Derek Logan, Fred E. Wietfeldt, Andreas Schreyer, Ken Andersen, Martin Mansson, Esko Oksanen, Monika Spano und Marie Plazanet. Picture: Zsuzsa Helyes (ESS).
Titlepage published in Langmuir:
In the framework of a French-German project with Université de Montpellier (group of Julian Oberdisse) the Hellweg group has determined the internal structure of thermo-responsive microgels using a reverse Monte-Carlo method for the analysis of small angle neutron scattering data.
New article published in Scientific Reports:
Volume phase transition kinetics of smart N-n-propylacrylamide microgels studied by time-resolved pressure jump small angle neutron scattering
Oliver Wrede, Yvonne Reimann, Stefan Lülsdorf, Daniel Emmrich, Kristina Schneider, Andreas Josef Schmid, Diana Zauser, Yvonne Hannappel, André Beyer, Ralf Schweins, Armin Gölzhäuser, Thomas Hellweg & Thomas Sottmann
Participation at European Colloid and Interface Society (ECIS) held from 2nd to 7th September 2018 in Ljubljana, Slovenia
New article published in Langmuir:
Smart Starch-Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) Hybrid Microgels: Synthesis, Structure, and Swelling Behavior
Daiani C. Leite, Sergej Kakorin, Yvonne Hertle, Thomas Hellweg and Nádya P. da Silveira
New article published in Molecular Pharmaceutics:
Interaction of the Saponin Aescin with Ibuprofen in DMPC Model Membranes
Ramsia Sreij, Sylvain Prévost, Carina Dargel, Rajeev Dattani, Yvonne Hertle, Oliver Wrede and Thomas Hellweg
New article published in The Journal of Chemical Physics:
Polyacrylates in the presence of an extraordinary monovalent cation?Solution behavior and metal nanoparticle formation