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    © Universität Bielefeld


Konferenzen, Tagungen und Vorträge
18.08.2023 Anne Schröder: An Ethnographically Grounded Approach to Pragmatic Variation: Establishing a Pragmatic Profile of Namibian English. Keynote at: Pragmatic Variation across the New Englishes, Münster, August 18, 2023.
13.07.2023 Anne Schröder, Pawel Sickinger: Folk concepts of politeness, respect and successful communication in Namibian English. At the International Pragmatics Association conference, Brussels, July 13, 2023.
10.07.2023 Klaus P. Schneider, Anne Schröder, Pawel Sickinger, Selma Ashikuti and Nelson Mlambo: An ethnographic multimethod investigation of speech actions in Namibian English and English English. At the International Pragmatics Association conference, Brussels, July 10, 2023.
03.07.2023 Anne Schröder, Pawel Sickinger: Exploring the applicability of face theory in a study of Namibian English pragmatics. At the 14th Symposium on Politeness, Madeira, July 3, 2023.

Standards – Margins – New Horizons. Canons for 21st-century Teaching

Peter Schildhauer, Jochen Sauer, Anne Schröder, 2023.

Special issue (volume 5:3) of PraxisForschungLehrer*innenbildung (PFLB). Zeitschrift für Schul- und Professionsentwicklung.

Das Themenheft dokumentiert die Beiträge der gleichnamigen Konferenz , die im Frühjahr 2022 an der Universität Bielefeld stattfand. Diese stellen die Fortsetzung der ersten New Horizons-Konferenz vom Frühjahr 2019 dar, die 2020 als Themenheft der Zeitschrift PFLB (4. Jg., H. 2) dokumentiert wurde. Die Beiträge der „New Horizons II“ diskutieren die Frage, welche sprachlichen, literarischen und kulturellen Kanones für den Fremdsprachenunterricht des 21. Jahrhunderts in den neuen und alten Sprachen maßgeblich sein sollten. Sie widmen sich dabei auch der Problemstellung, welche impliziten und expliziten Kanones derzeitig ausgemacht werden können, welche Akteur*innen diese propagieren und welche Machtstrukturen daraus ersichtlich werden. Die Beiträge überlegen weiterhin, welche Kriterien und Leitlinien für die Canons for 21st-century Teaching genutzt werden können sowie welche konkreten Texte dabei in den Blick geraten. Übergreifend fragen die Beiträge außerdem, was fremdsprachliche Bildung im 21. Jahrhundert bedeutet und welche professionstheoretischen Implikationen sich daraus ergeben. Die neunzehn Beiträge sind in vier Sektionen gegliedert: Critical Literacy, Literaturwissenschaft und Literaturdidaktik, Sprache und Sprachvariation sowie Digitalität.








Gefördertes Projekt

A Pragmatic Profile of Namibian English (PraProNE): Exploring norms of communicative behaviour in a multilingual ecology

This project aims to fill a research gap that exists in the field of World Englishes (WE) as well as Variational Pragmatics (VP). Taking Namibian English (NamE) as its primary research object, it will construct a pragmatic profile of this African variety of English that characterizes the unique aspects of the pragmatic norms and practices entertained by its speakers. The methodological framework for this endeavour will be developed specifically for the case of Namibia, taking into account its particular linguistic ecology. At the same time, we envision the framework as a valuable tool for future research on the pragmatics of WE, one that can be adjusted to the specific parameters of other varieties while maintaining its methodological viability and principles.

The research project addresses the following desiderata: First, it will update the still nascent body on the pragmatics of African Englishes in general and NamE specifically, adding much needed data to the endeavour of compiling a comprehensive account of the pragmatics of Englishes worldwide. Second, in this it will pay specific attention to the impact of pragmatic transfer from a variety of first and second languages spoken in Namibia, underlining the relevance of this factor for the pragmatic description of multilingual, post-colonial language ecologies such as found in Namibia. To this end, it will thirdly develop a research methodology that serves these goals by adapting a robust empirical framework to the specific characteristics of the Namibian linguistic ecology, carried out in close collaboration with local research partners. This centrally includes a systematic and synergistic combination of quantitative and qualitative research methods, allowing us to adhere to the principle of contrastivity central to VP while properly taking into account the emic perspective and socio-cultural complexity of the language community in question. As a fourth point, this framework will function as a proposed blueprint for systematically introducing pragmatic inquiry into WE research, and establish a reliable starting point for further investigating the pragmatics of NamE, e.g. through natural language data or corpus methodology.

This project will start in October 2022.

Third-party funding: DFG – Individual Grants Programme | Project Number: 497900728

Gefördertes Projekt

Authentic Englishes. Verstehen. Beschreiben. Vermitteln.

Produktion von digitalen Lehr- und Lernangeboten zu verschiedenen Varietäten des Englischen für das Landesportal Digitale Hochschule NRW. Das Projekt wird finanziert in der Förderlinie OERContent.nrw und erfolgt in Zusammenarbeit mit Prof. Dr. Ilka Mindt (Universität Paderborn), Prof. Dr. Ulrike Gut (Universität Münster) und Dr. Peter Schildhauer (Universität Bielefeld). Die Fördersumme beträgt insgesamt ~500.000€.

Dieses Projekt läuft ab Oktober 2020 an.

Weitere Informationen zu diesem Projekt finden Sie hier.

Aktuelle Informationen des Fachs Anglistik finden Sie hier



Anne Schröder: An Ethnographically Grounded Approach to Pragmatic Variation: Establishing a Pragmatic Profile of Namibian English. Keynote at: Pragmatic Variation across the New Englishes, Münster, August 18, 2023.
13.07.2023 Anne Schröder, Pawel Sickinger: Folk concepts of politeness, respect and successful communication in Namibian English. At the International Pragmatics Association conference, Brussels, July 13, 2023.
10.07.2023 Klaus P. Schneider, Anne Schröder, Pawel Sickinger, Selma Ashikuti and Nelson Mlambo: An ethnographic multimethod investigation of speech actions in Namibian English and English English. At the International Pragmatics Association conference, Brussels, July 10, 2023.
03.07.2023 Anne Schröder, Pawel Sickinger: Exploring the applicability of face theory in a study of Namibian English pragmatics. At the 14th Symposium on Politeness, Madeira, July 3, 2023.
14.12.2022 Anne Schröder, Pawel Sickinger: A Pragmatic Profile of Namibian English: Exploring norms of communicative behaviour in a multilingual ecology. Kolloquium Linguistik, Bielefeld, December 14, 2022.

Standards - Margins - New Horizons II: Canons for 21st-century Teaching.
International conference at Bielefeld University

05.02.2020 Schröder, Anne. The Dynamics of English in Namibia: Focussing on the Pragmatics of Namibian English. Presentation at the University of Augsburg, February 5, 2020.

Archiv Aktuelle Neuerscheinungen (Publikationen)

Standards - Margins - New Horizons. Teaching Language and Literature in the 21st Century.

Peter Schildhauer, Jochen Sauer, Anne Schröder, 2020.


Special issue (volume 2:4) of PraxisForschungLehrer*innenbildung (PFLB). Zeitschrift für Schul- und Professionsentwicklung. http://www.pflb-journal.de/index.php/pflb.








(Dis-)Harmony. Amplifying Voices in Polyphone Cultural Productions

Julia Andres, Brian Rozema, Anne Schröder, 2020.

@ Aisthesis Verlag

The present volume investigates the representation and use of multilingualism, language variation in English and other languages in a variety of media and cultural production (stand-up comedy shows, drag shows, musical genres, TV series, sports commentary, to name some). Scholars from various disciplines – from literary or cultural studies, from linguistics, language teaching, and media studies – discuss a (dis-)harmony of voices, identity formation, (media)representation, power distribution and awareness. They look at the (linguistic) representations of (marginalized) groups or communities in films, TV series, novels, songs etc. and some include the analysis of the language(s) and language varieties used. They discuss the visibility, agency, empowerment, stereotyping or ridiculing of different social groups and treat issues of authenticity, (self-)identity formation, style-shifting, audiences, media types and genres. With this, the present volume explores and expands the concept of polyphony as it was famously employed by Mikhail Bakhtin in 1929.

The Dynamics of English in Namibia. Perspectives on an emerging variety.

Anne Schröder, 2021.

© John Benjamins

The English language as spoken in Namibia has virtually been overlooked in most textbooks, handbooks, and surveys of varieties of English around the world, or else has only been mentioned in passing. However, this variety of English has recently attracted the attention of several researchers and the present volume brings together most scholars actively involved in the research on English in Namibia from various linguistic fields to present their current research. It covers a wide range of linguistic issues, such as empirical analyses on various levels of linguistic description and use, as well as the application of diverse methodologies, from questionnaire surveys, sociolinguistic interviews and focus group discussions, to corpus linguistics, linguistic landscaping, and digital ethnography. This book represents the first comprehensive collection of articles and in-depth discussions of this emerging variety of World Englishes.

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