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  • Dr. Julia Roth, Visiting Professor North American ­Literature and Culture

    © Julia Roth

PhD Students

PhD students - running

  • Tilman Wenzel, „Intersektionale Perspektiven auf Indigenität: Zuschreibungen zur Kategorie der Indigenität von jungen indigenen Frauen in Costa Rica"
  • Leonie Wolters , PhD project: “Feministische Diskursstrategien im Spannungsfeld von kolonialen Kontinuitäten: Machtkritische und intersektionale Perspektiven auf Gender und Economic Justice Ansätze”
  • Lívia de Souza Lima
    PhD project: "Occupying Traditional Political Spaces: Black, Female and Peripheral representation in the Rio de Janeiro State Legislative Assembly"
  • Edith Otero Quezada
    PhD project: "Political Participation, Embodied Experiences, and Emotions in Nicaragua"


PhD students - completed

  • Matti Steinitz (as 2nd supervisor)
    PhD project: "Between Spanish Harlem, Funky Colón, and Black Rio. Soul, Migration of Music, and Translocal Identity Constructions in the Black Power Era (1965-1975)", defense July 2023
  • Laura Borchert (as 2nd supervisor)
    PhD project: " “Beyond Obergefell: A Law and Culture Approach to the Potential Bond Between Sexual Orientation and Suspect Classification”, defense December 2022
  • Gonçalo Piolti Cholant 
    (Universidad d Coimbra, as external committee member, defence 2019)
    PhD project: "Since Why is Difficult:The Representation of Violence and Trauma in African-American and Afro-Caribbean Literature by Women: Autobiography, Fiction, and Subjectivity Construction in the Bildungsroman", defense 2019
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