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  • Dr. Julia Roth, Visiting Professor North American ­Literature and Culture

    © Julia Roth

Selected Talks

"'What the hell happened to Maggie?' Reading Disability Intersectionally in Toni Morrison‘s 'Recitatif'", Workshop Narrating, Representing, Reflecting ‘Disability’: 21st Century American Perspectives, Universität Bielefeld

"'We built this shit': Hip Hop as Critique of Gentrification", Workshop »Stories of Gentrification: Consumerism, Displacement, and Urban Transformations«, DGFA-Jahrestagung, America and Ownership: Territory, Slavery, Jubilee, Universität Rostock.

05 2023
Themenseminar Postkolonialismus (Auseinandersetzung: Klimagerechtigkeit unter der Perspektive Postkolonialismus; Auseinandersetzung: Linke Positionen zur Situation in Afghanistan und Iran unter dem Aspekt der Perspektive Postkolonialismus; Auseinandersetzung: Krieg Russland / Ukraine unter dem Aspekt der Perspektive Postkolonialismus; Auseinandersetzung: politische Forderungen zur Abschottungspolitik Europas unter dem Aspekt des Postkolonialismus); Seebrücke Paderborn (3 Termine)

"The System(s) in Question: Re-Thinking the Social from the Americas", Conference Climate Change as System Change: Inter-American Perspectives, Center for Interamerican Studies, Universität Graz 

Right-Wing Populism and Gender". Roundtable Workshop In the Name of ‘Freedom’: Right-Wing Populism and the End of the Liberal World Order, Centre for Global Politics, Economy and Society, Oxford Brookes University

"Right-Wing Populism and Gender in Digitised Culture Wars". International Seminar Media, Populism & Corruption, NOVA FCSH, University of Lisbon

"Stories of Relation". Inaugural Event for the Arjun Appadurai Archive: A Prosopographic Celebration: Arjun Appadurai and the Lives of Books, Savvy Contemporary Berlin

As special speaker of the conference “Camps, (In)justice, and Solidarity in the Americas: Commemoration of the 20th Anniversary of the Guantánamo Bay Detention Camps”, University of Graz (and online), Julia Roth gave the following talk: “Bodies and Spaces of Exception? Thinking Intersectionalities Translocationally as Interdependent Inequalities"

Julia Roth and Adiam Zerisenai: Webtalk zum Thema Postkolonialismus (Teil der Reihe „Time2Talk – Politische Jugendbildung 20.22“)

Julia Roth: Frauenrechte global angegriffen - research_tv Universität Bielefeld

"Interseccionalidad más allá del Occidentalismo", Keynote, Seminario Internacional Interseccionalidad, Equidad y Políticas Sociales (SIEPS), Havana, Kuba

Julia Roth, Globalising World: Chancen und Herausforderungen globaler Welten


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