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Podcast ­Anglisten Assemble


Anglisten Assemble

Anglisten Assemble is a grassroots podcast for and about the British and American Studies program (also known as Anglistik) at Bielefeld University.

In the premier episode of Anglisten Assemble, your hosts Leon and Brian have an in-depth conversation with Rouven from the LiLi Fachschaft all about the inner workings of Bielefeld University's British and American Studies program. The triumphant trio discusses important topics for students at the start of their academic careers including the "Einführungstage," the "HowTo English Week" and the Fachschaft in an effort to explain what purpose the two events and the organization serve—and how they can help you!

But join Leon and Brian for other intriguing episodes as they get into the mighty minds and soulful souls of other members of the department on both the faculty and student side of the lecturn.

Listen to a growing number of episodes of Anglisten Assemble here!

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