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Allgemein-​ und Fa­mi­li­en­me­di­zin

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Campus der Universität Bielefeld
© Uni­ver­si­tät Bie­le­feld

Pos­ter ses­si­on 1 - In­ter­ven­ti­ons in mul­ti­mor­bi­di­ty and po­ly­phar­ma­cy

1. Kath­rin Gödde

Com­pa­ri­son of co­mor­bi­di­ty sta­tus and eli­gi­bi­li­ty to par­ti­ci­pa­te in na­vi­ga­ti­on in­ter­ven­ti­on pro­jects in an el­d­er­ly pa­ti­ent po­pu­la­ti­on in Bran­den­burg

2. Bugge Stine Jor­stad

Net­work of Doc­tors for Mul­ti­mor­bi­di­ty and Dia­be­tes – The NOMAD In­ter­ven­ti­on: Pro­to­col for fe­a­si­bi­li­ty trial of mul­ti­di­sci­pli­na­ry team con­fe­ren­ces for peop­le with dia­be­tes and mul­ti­mor­bi­di­ty

3. Sanne Lykke Lund­strøm

Care model for pa­ti­ents with com­pli­ca­ted mul­ti­mor­bi­di­ty (CIM2) – preli­mi­na­ry re­sults of a pilot RCT study

4. Andy Maun

Ad­dres­sing mul­ti­mor­bi­di­ty with a local, per­so­na­li­zed care ma­nage­ment ap­proach - In­sights from the ran­do­mi­zed con­trol­led LoChro-​trial

5. Ve­ro­ni­ka Ben­che­va

Un­der­stan­ding the scope of de­pre­scribing in a shared de­cis­i­on set­ting: A sub­ana­ly­sis of the CO­FRAIL Study

6. Fran­cis­ca Leiva Fernández

An edu­ca­tio­nal in­ter­ven­ti­on on mul­ti­mor­bi­di­ty and po­ly­phar­ma­cy: As­sess­ment of 5 edi­ti­ons of the eMUL­TI­PAP cour­se

7. Mar­cus Heu­mann

Pri­ma­ry health­ca­re nur­ses as fa­ci­li­ta­tors for the par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on and self-​care of pa­ti­ents with com­plex chro­nic con­di­ti­ons. Bar­ri­ers and en­ablers

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