Serdar Yilmaz1, Martina Hahn2,3,6, Christiane Muth7, Marjan van den Akker1,4,5*. A short elective supports the attitudes of medicine and pharmacy students towards interprofessional learning: a pre-post design Link
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Kambiz Afshar1, Lea-Mareen Höft2, Nils Schneider1, Christiane Muth2, Anja Hesse1, Bettina Leeuw2. Longitudinale Begleitung hausärztlicher Patient*innen im Medizinstudium: Chancen und Herausforderungen DOI link
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Lara Schürmann1, Maren Bredehorst2, Ana I González-González1, Christiane Muth1, Veronika van der Wardt2, Svetlana Puzhko1, Joerg Haasenritter2. Recommendations for the primary prevention of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease in primary care: study protocol for a systematic guideline review Link
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Dassieu, L., Develay, E., Beauchet, O., Quesnel-Vallée, A., Godard-Sebillotte, C., Tchouaket, E., Puzhko, S., Karunananthan, S., Archambault, P., Launay, C., Holyoke, P., Sauriol, C., Galery, K., & Sourial, N. (2022). Implementing a Telehealth Support Tool for Community-Dwelling Older Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Investigation of Provider Experiences. Journal of aging & social policy, 1–18. Advance online publication. Link
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Engler J, Brosse F, Dinh TS, Klein A, Brückle MS, Petermann J, Muth C, Mergenthal K, van den Akker M, Voigt K, the HYPERION study group. Participatory digital workshops to develop an intervention for the management of polypharmacy with patients and health professionals from outpatient and inpatient settings: Evaluation results and methodological conclusions. BMC Research Involvement and Engagement (2022) 8:52; https://doi.org/10.1186/s40900-022-00387-1
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