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Abteilung Psychologie

© Universität Bielefeld

Prof. Dr. Claudia Catani

apl. Professorin für Klinische Psychologie
Lic. Psychotherapist

Room (Mo - Thu): U4 - 134


Current lectures can be found here.


I offer consultation hours by appointment, please send an email.


2018 Appointment as Professor (apl./ associated), Bielefeld University, Germany
2013- 2017 Senior Lecturer in Clinical Psychology, Dept. Psychology, Bielefeld University, Germany
2012 Licence (Approbation) as psychological psychotherapist (CBT)
2010 “Habilitation” in Psychology, Bielefeld University, Germany
2008- 2013 Post-doc researcher, Dept. Psychology, Bielefeld University, Germany
2006- 2008 Post-doc researcher, Dept. Psychology, University of Konstanz, Germany
2004- 2006 Post-doc researcher, Dept. Clinical Psychology and Behavioural Neuroscience, University of Konstanz, Germany and the NGO vivo, Cupramontana, Italy
2004 PhD in Psychology at the University of Konstanz, Germany and the University of Padua, Italy
2000 MSc Psychology, University of Konstanz, Germany
Journal Articles
Konferenz- und Kurzbeiträge
Sammelwerksbeiträge und Herausgeberwerke
  • Post-traumatic Stress in the aftermath of war and organized violence
  • Mechanisms linking war trauma, psychopathology, family dynamics and child adaptation in post-conflict areas (DFG research grant)
    For more information (in German) about this project please visit the website of the German Research foundation (DFG).
  • Randomized controlled treatment studies on Narrative Exposure Therapy (NET) with adult and child survivors of violence and/or abuse
  • Relationship between adverse experiences throughout the life span and mental-health disorders in adulthood (particularly substance use disorders)
  • Neurophysiological Indicators of Stress Reactions and Post-traumatic Stress Disorder
  • For more information about trauma research and mental-health interventions in countries affected by war and conflicts, please visit the website of vivo foundation.
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