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Laufende Arbeiten

Trompetero, Gabriela Refugees or not? Analysis of the Reconfiguration of the Categorization of Migrants and Refugees in Colombia Admidst the Venezuelan Migrant Crisis
Atefeh Ramsari Comparative Study of Experiencing Citizenship Regimes of Syria and Iraq by Kurdish Ethnic People
Sinmi Akin-Aina Claiming 'gray space', re-framing rights: Citizenship, Securitization and Urban Refugees in Nairobi
Alisait Yilkin To vote or not to vote: The participation and non-participation in turkish election of young generations of Turkish Citizens living in Germany
Kashkovskaya, Natalya Migrant organizations supporting refugees: Boundary Making and Unmaking Processes
Rivera Garay, Maria Guadalupe Migration und indigene Bevölkerung: Die Hñähñu aus dem Valle del Mezquital in Mexiko als transnationale Gemeinschaft

Abgeschlossene Arbeiten

Agoe, Paul Akuetteh The Significance of ‘Traditional’ Clothing and Dress to Children of Ghanaian Immigrants in Germany
Holtgreve, Sandra Coloniality in the Global South and North. An Analysis of Social Work Education in Germany, Mexico and Ecuador
Paul, Johanna Transnational Memory Activism for Memorialisation in Post-war Bosnia-Herzegovina: The Case of Prijedor’s White Armband Day
Gehring, Tobias Discourses on refugees in Ugandan media. Homogenization and silencing in newspapers of Africa’s primary refugee host country
Takuma Fujii Die Eigenlogik der künstlerischen Felder und Mobilitätspraxen von angehenden Künstlern. Eine kritische Studie zur „internationalen Studierendenmobilität“
Lisa Bonfert Subjective social positions in cross- border perspective. How do perceptions of social position evolve in the context of cross- border migration
Isabell Diekmann Good Muslims, bad Islam? Zur differenzierten Betrachtung feindlicher Einstellungen gegenüber Menschen und Religion
Chang, So Young Invisible Hands: The policies and non-policies that make migrant domestic work precarious
Schultz, Susanne Involuntary Return and Migration Dynamics in West Africa – Critical Dimensions of EU-Africa Policies of Migration and Development
Wittig, Michael Legitimationsstrategien und daraus resultierende politische Aktivitäten in Deutschland ansässiger weltkirchlicher Organisationen der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit
Zhao, Meng-Yao Return or Remain: Migration Intentions among Chinese Students in Germany
Tajibaeva, Nazgul Der Herkunftsstaat und transnationale Migration
Kuboyama, Ryo Constructing International Immigration Control. Genesis and Development of State Immigration Policy and Politics in Germany, USA and Japan 1794-2001
Mosuela, Cleovi Practices of Assemblage and Circular Transnational Migration Governance between Germany and the Philippines
Reich, Galit From "Gola" ("exile") to "Tfutsa" ("Diaspora"): The Changing Perception of the Phenomenon of Emigration from Israel in the Last 60 Years
Fröhlich, Joanna, geb. Sienkiewicz Die informelle soziale Sicherung von Kasachstandeutschen in Deutschland
Ulbricht, Christian Doing National Identity through Transnationality: Categorizations and Mechanisms of Inequality in Integration Debates
Nitz, Alexandra Why Study in Latin America? International Student Mobility to Colombia and Brazil
Ette, Andreas Security versus rights: The Europeanization of Policies on Human Trafficking, People Smuggling and Irregular Migration
Barglowski, Karolina How do transnational networks matter? Eine Analyse informeller Sicherungsstrategien in deutsch-polnischen transnationalen Räumen
Aksakal, Mustafa Transnational Development: Limits and potentials of a model for ‘migration and development’: Case study Caxcania in Zacatecas, Mexico
Alscher, Stefan „Das Klopfen an den Toren Europas“: Undokumentierte Migration und Grenzkontrollpolitik in Südspanien (1991-2008)
Asomadu-Kyereme, Robert Extending Pro-Poor Social Insurance in Ghana - The Role of Mutual Insurance Organisations
Bilecen, Basak Social Support Networks of International PhD Students in Germany: Transnational Connections and Cosmopolitan Imaginaries
Fauser, Margit Constructing Accommodation. An Inquiry Into Migrant Organizations, Integration Policies and Local Politics
Hinnou, Patrick Demokratieverhandlung im Alltag. Die politischen Eliten und die lokalen Arenen in Benin von 1990 bis heute
Nergiz, Devrimsel Deniz Citizenship and Turkish Elites in Europe
Rahmonova-Schwarz, Delia Transnational Migration and Sociopolitical Change in Central Asia. A Cross-National Study on Labor Migrants from Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan to Russia
Reisenauer, Eveline Soziale Nähe bei physischer Distanz. Transnationale persönliche Beziehungen von türkischen Migrantinnen und Migranten in Deutschland
Rescher, Gilberto Der ländliche Raum im Demokratisierungsprozess in Mexiko: Lokale Aushandlung, nationale Bedeutung und globale Vernetzung
Rohde, Caterina Au-pair Migration: Geographische und soziale Mobilität junger Frauen zwischen Russland und Deutschland

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