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  • Neurocognition and ­Action - Biomechanics

    © Universität Bielefeld
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Project Coordinators

Prof. Dr. Mario Botsch
Prof. Dr. Stefan Kopp
Prof. Dr. Thomas Schack

Pricipal Investigators

Prof. Dr. Thomas Schack
Prof. Dr. Mario Botsch
Prof. Dr. Stefan Kopp
Prof. Dr. Tobias Heed
Prof. Dr. David Schlangen

Responsible Investigators

Dr. Cornelia Frank (Coaching)
Iwan de Kok
Julian Hough
Felix Hülsmann
Thomas Waltemate
Marie Martel

Project Partner

Intelligent Coaching Space

Project: LSP 03
Project duration: 01/2014 - 12/2018
Project funding: 1.624.659 Euro

Assisting humans is both one of the most promising and challenging applications of interactive technology. In this project, we explore how to most effectively support humans during the performance and the learning of motor actions. The overall goal of the project is to develop a VR-based Intelligent Coaching Space (ICSPACE) that enables novel ways of adaptive, online feedback in a closed-loop interaction and training system. Leveraging fundamentals of cognitive principles, perceptual processing and movement understanding, ICSPACE combines state-of-the-art motion tracking and analysis, neurocognitive diagnostics, and multi-sensory (visual, auditory, haptic) feedback in various forms including virtual mirrors, online verbal feedback, or instructions and demonstrations by virtual coaches.

ICSPACE is one of four large scale projects at the Cluster of Excellence Cognitive Interaction Technology (CITEC) funded by the German Research Foundation. In this interdisciplinary project, researchers from different disciplines such as computer science, linguistics, psychology, and sports work together on six work packages, each addressing one main component of an intelligent coaching environment: (1) motion, (2) character, (3) feedback, (4) dialogue, (5) coaching, and (6) integration and evaluation.

The project is accompanied by four central milestones of increasing complexity:

(I) Active coaching through multi-sensory interaction in a virtual world (February, 13th in 2015.

(II) interactive coaching through augmented online feedback in a virtual mirror; (III) adaptive coaching by a real-time conversational virtual coach; (IV) effective coaching by a personalized intelligent coach.

For more information on ICSPACE, see [ here ] .

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